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Health topics
… treatments may help you move more easily and deal with the stress and pain of arthritis. But in some cases, not much is … such as yoga, tai chi, and qi gong, can help reduce stress and relax your mind and muscles. Stress can make pain worse. So learning to control stress
Health topics
… What are the most common skin conditions in newborns? It's very common for newborns to have rashes or other skin problems. … pustular melanosis (say "PUS-chuh-ler mel-uh-NOH-sis") is common among black infants. The rash is harmless and doesn't …
Health topics
… about something is very different from everyday worry or stress. For example, most people feel worry and stress at some time, such as when speaking in front of a … afraid of. Even just the thought of these things can cause stress in people who have phobias. Children show their …
Health topics
… inject blood into the next person they bite. Contact with common objects HIV is not spread by touching common objects such as toilet seats or faucet handles. … inject blood into the next person they bite. Contact with common objects HIV is not spread by touching common objects …
Health topics
… you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. It is a common problem. Most people will have sleep problems now and then because of temporary stress, worry, or an irregular schedule. But when you have … you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. It is a common problem. Most people will have sleep problems now and …
Health topics
… Symptoms Overview Minor fingernail and toenail problems are common. At one time or another, almost everyone has caught a … blood flow to the hands and feet may slow nail growth. Common nail changes Common changes to nails include: Splitting, peeling, or …
Health topics
… it runs in your family. What causes it? In Canada, the most common cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto's thyroiditis. … not need treatment right away. Cause In Canada, the most common cause is Hashimoto's thyroiditis . Worldwide, iodine … is the number one cause of low thyroid levels. Other common causes include: Thyroid surgery. Radioactive iodine …
Health topics
… is infection and inflammation of the intestine. It is most common in babies who are born early (premature). Many … enterocolitis. They do know that the disease is much less common in babies who are fed breast milk. What are the … overwhelmed when your baby has health problems. It can be stressful to watch a tiny newborn get medical treatment. You …
Health topics
… of the group, not health professionals. Find ways to reduce stress in your life. Avoid drinking alcohol or using … you'll do when you notice signs, and get help right away. Common signs of relapse include: Staying away from or not … and those that may be special to you. Write down the common signs of a relapse. They include: Staying away from …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview There are some common signs that can suggest that someone with … how we develop our content . … Overview There are some common signs that can suggest that someone with …