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… page: Overview Overview Surgery is more common on the larger joints, such as the hip and the knee. … Surgery to repair bunions or hammer toes is fairly common. In some cases a joint can be replaced with man-made … parts. But in the small joints of the hands and feet, it's common to join (fuse) the bones together. This is called …
Health topics
… cancer begins in the ducts of the breast. It's the most common type of breast cancer. Lobular carcinoma. This cancer … begins in the lobes of the breast. It's the second most common type. Some breast cancer is a mixture of both ductal and lobular carcinoma. There are also some less common types of invasive breast cancer, such as inflammatory …
Health topics
… baby. This will help you and your baby be more comfortable during feeding. There are several breastfeeding positions. … your feet. The cradle hold is often considered the most common hold, but it does not offer as much control as other … your feet. The cradle hold is often considered the most common hold, but it does not offer as much control as other …
Health topics
… a tumour blocks the passage. Virtual colonoscopy is not commonly done for other conditions at this time but may … off most of your clothes. You will be given a gown to wear during the test. First, you will be asked to lie on your … a tumour blocks the passage. Virtual colonoscopy is not commonly done for other conditions at this time but may …
Health topics
Health topics
… 20/20 vision . The surgery can cause side effects. The most common one is cloudy vision, which usually goes away but may … and then the cornea is reshaped. The layer grows back during the healing process. LASEK and epi-LASIK loosen the … have very similar long-term results. LASIK is the most common, but many people have one of the other types done …
Health topics
… manoeuvres should not be done on people with back or spine injuries or problems. Sometimes the manoeuvre can move the … manoeuvres should not be done on people with back or spine injuries or problems. Sometimes the manoeuvre can move the …
Health topics