2729 results found
Health topics
… up to 5 days after unprotected sex. footnote 1 The most common option contains a progestin hormone called … pills contain hormones. The last 7 pills (the ones you take during your period) don't contain any hormones. If you use … up to 5 days after unprotected sex. footnote 1 The most common option contains a progestin hormone called …
Health topics
… it hard for you to get pregnant, or it can cause problems during a pregnancy. Over time, the size, shape, location, … symptoms of fibroids may change. Uterine fibroids are more common as you age, especially from your 30s and 40s until … symptoms of fibroids may change. Uterine fibroids are more common as you age, especially from your 30s and 40s until …
Health topics
… an ICD placed? Your doctor will put the ICD in your chest during minor surgery. You will not have open-chest surgery. … ICD checked regularly to make sure it's working right. It's common to be anxious that the ICD might shock you. But you … ICD checked regularly to make sure it's working right. It's common to be anxious that the ICD might shock you. But you …
Health topics
… feeling if you can see the test being done, close your eyes during the testing. The vertebrae of the spine are divided … talk about the results of your reflex tests. There are two common tests. Patellar tendon reflex. You sit on the … talk about the results of your reflex tests. There are two common tests. Patellar tendon reflex. You sit on the …
Health topics
… mosquitoes. The mosquitoes that carry Zika are most active during the day but can bite at night. You're more likely to … virus if you travel to parts of the world where it's more common. This includes parts of South America, Central … virus if you travel to parts of the world where it's more common. This includes parts of South America, Central …
Health topics
… fibrillation (say "AY-tree-uhl fih-bruh-LAY-shun") is a common type of irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). Normally, … Conditions that damage or strain the heart are the most common causes of atrial fibrillation. These include: High … occur more often. They often don't go away on their own. During these spells, you may feel symptoms such as …
Health topics
… if the detachment affected the macula. Risks The most common problems after this surgery include: Scarring on the … causes the retina to detach again. Scarring is the most common reason that surgery fails. New breaks or tears … Small gas bubbles getting trapped under the retina. Less common problems include: The detachment spreading into the …
Health topics
… You may want to see and connect with people. But it's also common for people to become less interested in the outside … or spiritual advisors. Physical changes Some of the common physical changes you may experience include: Appetite … your breathing may be moist and noisy. Breathing changes commonly occur when you are weak, and normal secretions in …
Health topics
… grows to replace the damaged skin. The face is the most common site for this treatment. But other areas of the skin … skin tones can be matched using makeup. Some swelling is common. Many people have little or no pain and can get back … Dermabrasion is not a lasting fix for these problems. Risks Common short-term side effects of dermabrasion include: …
Health topics
… a doctor trained to care for women who have special needs during pregnancy and birth. If necessary, an obstetrician may also be called during your labour and birth. Babies born at home A midwife … If you choose to have a midwife, she will be with you during your labour. If you have a home birth, a second …