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2729 results found
Health topics
… a baby after a pregnancy loss If you've had a baby die during pregnancy and are now pregnant again, know that it is … provider. After a stillbirth, some women may feel detached during a new pregnancy. If you experience these feelings, … or public health nurse. Useful resources Depression during pregnancy Stillbirth Miscarriage … Coping with losing …
Health topics
… This means that you can injure your feet and not know it. Common infections from blisters, ingrown toenails, small … blood sugar from diabetes can be more severely affected by common infections, such as influenza and pneumonia. They … This means that you can injure your feet and not know it. Common infections from blisters, ingrown toenails, small …
Health topics
… Risks Treatment Overview The injection of botulinum toxin , commonly known as Botox, has become very popular for … is the same each time you get an injection. Risks The most common side effects are: Drooping eyelid that may last a … . … Treatment Overview The injection of botulinum toxin , commonly known as Botox, has become very popular for …
Health topics
… not as often as before. Have overcome most fears that were common in earlier childhood. But they often start having more anxiety from common stressful situations, such as school performance. Are … not as often as before. Have overcome most fears that were common in earlier childhood. But they often start having …
Health topics
… you need treatment changes. Possible blood sugar problems during pregnancy. For example, many women have low blood … if you don't keep your blood sugar in your target range during early pregnancy. High blood sugar while you are … have high blood pressure. Blood pressure goals may be lower during pregnancy. Have your doctor check for problems from …
Health topics
… my bathroom mirror. It said, 'I will take a 10-minute walk during my morning coffee break every day this week.'" The … on the mirror. This one said, "I will take a 10-minute walk during my morning break AND my afternoon break every day … One of her co-workers, Tara, started walking with Shellie during their breaks. "Tara used a phone app that kept track …
Health topics
… Surgery Overview Scleral buckling surgery is a common way to treat retinal detachment . It is a method of … opening again. Usually extreme cold (cryopexy) or, less commonly, heat (diathermy) or light (laser photocoagulation) … happen very often. Risks include the following: The most common cause of failure in surgery for retinal detachment is …
Health topics
… What are some examples of ACEs? Here are some of the most common types of ACEs. Emotional abuse. An adult insults, … effects. What happens when a child has had ACEs? ACEs are common. By adulthood, most people have at least one. How a … (like smoking or risky sexual behaviour) that are more common in people with more ACEs. Having had ACEs doesn't …
Health topics
… the medicine is gone. Ear tubes: Your child will be asleep during the procedure. A small hole will be made in each … of adenoid surgery include: Bleeding. Infection. Pain. Less common risks of ear tube placement and adenoid surgery … of adenoid surgery include: Bleeding. Infection. Pain. Less common risks of ear tube placement and adenoid surgery …
Health topics
… arm or a leg or the belly. It's a safe way to relieve pain during a procedure. It's often used with medicines to relax … of the knee, hip, or shoulder. It may also be used during childbirth. Types of regional anesthesia The main … let you know what to expect when you get to the hospital, during the surgery, and after. You'll be told when to stop …