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2729 results found
Health topics
… physically abused as a child. Lost their mother or father during early childhood. Have a history of serious … physically abused as a child. Lost their mother or father during early childhood. Have a history of serious …
Health topics
… is a stressful time for you, try something different. During meals: Try to eat slowly and gradually. Do not allow … is a stressful time for you, try something different. During meals: Try to eat slowly and gradually. Do not allow …
Health topics
… are caused by the venom secreted from the female tick during feeding. Symptoms usually start 4 to 7 days after a … are caused by the venom secreted from the female tick during feeding. Symptoms usually start 4 to 7 days after a …
Health topics
… a hormone released from the pituitary gland in the brain. During pregnancy, oxytocin causes labour contractions to … a hormone released from the pituitary gland in the brain. During pregnancy, oxytocin causes labour contractions to …
Health topics
… nipple. Fluid or blood from a nipple is a concern, except during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Galactorrhea is one type … nipple. Fluid or blood from a nipple is a concern, except during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Galactorrhea is one type …
Health topics
… learn the basics of climbing, kicking, and throwing. Also during the second year, children gain more control and … learn the basics of climbing, kicking, and throwing. Also during the second year, children gain more control and …
Health topics
… and smaller, less effective ventricles result, especially during exercise, when the heart has less time to relax and … and smaller, less effective ventricles result, especially during exercise, when the heart has less time to relax and …
Health topics
… noise of daytime hours to be soothing. So they often sleep during the day and are awake at night. Wondering what your … noise of daytime hours to be soothing. So they often sleep during the day and are awake at night. Wondering what your …
Health topics
… It can be hard to take that first step. Here are some common barriers and ideas for other ways that you might … It can be hard to take that first step. Here are some common barriers and ideas for other ways that you might …
Health topics
… you could ask another parent or a friend for help. Learn common acronyms children and teens use online and while … you could ask another parent or a friend for help. Learn common acronyms children and teens use online and while …