3943 results found
Health topics
… are feeling bottled up inside and are not sure what to do about it, try: Talking with someone you trust. Talking may help you become more clear about what you are feeling. Talking out loud to yourself. … as though you were listening to someone else. Writing about your feelings. It may be helpful to make a list of …
Health topics
… strong need to collect things. They can't bear to think about parting with their things. Over time, the collected … People with this illness may feel very ashamed or guilty about their behaviour. And yet the idea of getting rid of … hoarding disorder isn't known. It often runs in families. About half of all people with hoarding disorder say they …
Health topics
… signs of suicide in adults include: Talking or writing about wanting to die or to hurt or kill themselves or … hours a day, 7 days a week If you or someone you know talks about suicide, self-harm, a mental health crisis, a … hours a day, 7 days a week If you or someone you know talks about suicide, self-harm, a mental health crisis, a …
Health topics
… With every lap, he's passing on a message to racing fans about not smoking. John is a race car driver, and his team … With each lap, fans see John's car covered with information about quitting tobacco, including a nationwide number they … track, John travels with his car and talks to fifth graders about why they shouldn't start using tobacco. The kids hear …
Health topics
… the permanent teeth begin to emerge, usually starting at about age 6. Your child probably had his or her first trip … Your child can learn how to brush his or her own teeth at about 3 years of age and should be brushing his or her own … toothbrush, and apply fluoridated toothpaste in an amount about the size of a small green pea. Encourage your child to …
Health topics
… by a pregnant woman to her baby. If you have concerns about lead exposure, talk to your doctor. A simple blood … oysters, and canned "light" tuna. footnote 1 Think twice about cosmetics. There is not very much research about the use of products such as nail polish, artificial …
Health topics
… is happening. Your past experience has taught you a lot about what helps you in tough situations. Think about how that can help you now. Use what you learned … helps you can be a source of strength and wisdom now. Think about what worked—and what didn't work—for you in the past. …
Health topics
… what your baby looks like at 36 weeks? Your baby is now about the size of a spaghetti squash. Average baby length is … baby is changing Here are some important things to know about this stage. You'll notice more movement or less … what your baby looks like at 36 weeks? Your baby is now about the size of a spaghetti squash. Average baby length is …
Health topics
… You and your partner receive information and education about sexual techniques. It is necessary to change any … you and your partner. Sex therapy may involve: Talking about the multiple causes of sexual problems and how … causes. Using a variety of psychological tests. Talking about the natural changes in sexual function that occur with …
Health topics
… more of the babies having a disability. Talk to your doctor about how you can increase your chances of conception and … for what to do with any eggs that you don't use. Think about what you want done with them in the case of death or divorce. Also think about what you want done with the eggs if the clinic isn't …