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Health topics
… positively. But it has extra benefits you might not know about—optimism helps keep up your physical health too. … as you go forward. For example, let's say you are about to have a knee surgery. You can choose to be optimistic about your recovery, rather than let fear or hopelessness …
Health topics
… parties, or being alone could also make you think about having a drink or looking for drugs. It may be helpful to write down your triggers and think about them. Are some more likely to cause a relapse than … relapse plan, or go to the places your plan lists. Think about what happened. When you've stopped drinking or using …
Health topics
… likely get daily hormone shots and be closely monitored for about 1 to 2 weeks. Your doctor will check your blood … to transfer, based on your age and other information about you. The other embryos may be frozen for future use. … Once fertilization occurs, the chance of giving birth is about the same for people who have in vitro fertilization …
Health topics
… attack and stroke is. It will also depend on how you feel about taking medicines. Your doctor can help you know your … risks you have for heart attack and stroke. When deciding about medicines, you and your doctor may think about: Having a risk for heart attack or stroke between 5 …
Health topics
… you have osteoarthritis , you may be scared and worried about how it may change your life, work, and relationships. … to treat your pain. Educate yourself. The more you know about arthritis, the more you'll be able to cope with any … get worse. Encourage your family and friends to learn about arthritis too. Then they can know what you're dealing …
Health topics
… it carefully so you don't relapse. If you do relapse, think about what you can learn from it and what you should do the next time you quit. If you slip or relapse, think about adding a new treatment, such as using medicines or … slip, and plan ahead to cope with those situations. Think about when you slipped in the past. You may be more tempted …
Health topics
… medicines, you can take extra care to prevent a fall. Learn about your medicines. Know the side effects of the medicines … If you take two or more medicines, talk to your doctor about how they work together. Sometimes combinations of … give the pharmacist your list of medicines. Ask about possible interactions with anything you are taking. If …
Health topics
… healthy. Talk with your doctor whenever you have concerns about your health. How do you decide when to get a screening … health problem, such as diabetes. When you are thinking about getting a screening test, talk with your doctor. Find out about the disease, what the test is like, and how the test …
Health topics
… each year before school starts, and tell the school staff about any changes to the care plan during the school year. … . Check with your school or province about which of these tasks require signed consent, a mutual … dates of supplies your child has at school. Be specific about which tasks your child can do on their own and which …
Health topics
… same age) is a normal stage for kids ranging in age from about 12 to 21. At this stage, children start looking to … everything from what clothes to wear to how serious to be about school. The one thing that seems to make all … celebrate his or her achievements. Children who feel good about themselves are more able to resist negative peer …