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3942 results found
Health topics
… normal activities within a few days. Dry-eye symptoms are common but usually temporary. You may need to wear an eye … normal activities within a few days. Dry-eye symptoms are common but usually temporary. You may need to wear an eye …
Health topics
… participation in a rehabilitation program. You will hear a common theme during your recovery: Everyone heals at a … participation in a rehabilitation program. You will hear a common theme during your recovery: Everyone heals at a …
Health topics
… of the leg to the ankle and foot. What causes it? The most common cause of sciatica is a bulging or ruptured disc ( … of the leg to the ankle and foot. What causes it? The most common cause of sciatica is a bulging or ruptured disc ( …
Health topics
… It causes small blisters that can break open, ooze fluid, and form patches of crusty sores. These sores can occur anywhere on the body. Impetigo is one of the most common skin infections in children. It can occur in adults … can occur anywhere on the body. Impetigo is one of the most common skin infections in children. It can occur in adults …
Health topics
… cm (0.8 in.) across. But the rash may look like other more common skin problems. In people who have darker skin, the … cm (0.8 in.) across. But the rash may look like other more common skin problems. In people who have darker skin, the …
Health topics
… ganglions? Ganglions are small sacs ( cysts ) filled with fluid that often appear as bumps on the hands and wrists. … motions, such as those you do at work. Arthritis. A common type of ganglion called a mucous cyst ganglion occurs … motions, such as those you do at work. Arthritis. A common type of ganglion called a mucous cyst ganglion occurs …
Health topics
… the number of headaches in a cluster cycle. Verapamil is commonly used for preventing both occasional and chronic … the number of headaches in a cluster cycle. Verapamil is commonly used for preventing both occasional and chronic …
Health topics
… to make good choices. Even young children have opinions about substance use. So start early to help your child learn … toward tobacco, alcohol, and drugs is one of the greatest influences on whether your child will use substances. If you … the same problems. Get informed. Learn about the substances commonly used by teens. Find out how the drugs work, what …
Health topics
… remember some of the events that happened around you. It's common to have these feelings when so much about your life may be changing. It may take some time to … remember some of the events that happened around you. It's common to have these feelings when so much about your life …
Health topics
… in different ways. But having some type of reaction is common. Children may react to the event right away, or days, … Have changes in their emotions, such as: Worrying a lot about the event happening again. Having temper tantrums or … in different ways. But having some type of reaction is common. Children may react to the event right away, or days, …