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Health topics
… bandages in place. You may have drainage tubes to collect fluid and keep it from building up around the surgery site. … Breast reconstruction may help a woman feel better about her appearance. Some women say it helps them feel … Some implants have lasted 20 to 30 years, but that is not common. This means that someday you will probably need to …
Health topics
… you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. It is a common problem. Most people will have sleep problems now and … weeks or months, it can lead to health problems. Worrying about it only makes it worse. The good news is that if you … you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. It is a common problem. Most people will have sleep problems now and …
Health topics
… are missing some von Willebrand factor. This is the most common type. It usually causes mild bleeding episodes. You … Some people who have mild von Willebrand disease bleed about the same amount as other people do. You may not notice … are missing some von Willebrand factor. This is the most common type. It usually causes mild bleeding episodes. You …
Health topics
… than 6 months of age, follow what your doctor has told you about the amount to give. Be extra careful with liquid … prescribe naproxen for your child. Side effects The most common side effects of NSAIDs are stomach upset, heartburn, … prescribe naproxen for your child. Side effects The most common side effects of NSAIDs are stomach upset, heartburn, …
Health topics
… to lose their ability to filter and remove waste and extra fluid from the body. Hemodialysis is a process that uses a … and how often you do it. You can also do it overnight. Talk about these with your doctor to decide which one might be … include: Low blood pressure (hypotension). This is the most common complication of hemodialysis. Muscle cramps. …
Health topics
… have any symptoms. Taking a corticosteroid medicine is a common way to treat sarcoidosis. It works by reducing the … worse. If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can … low-fat dairy, beans, tofu, and nuts). Drink plenty of fluids. If you have kidney, heart, or liver disease and have …
Health topics
… disorder are not complicated and can be done at home in about 20 minutes a day. Most patellar tracking problems can … drugs (NSAIDs) . Quadriceps strengthening is the most commonly prescribed treatment for patellar tracking … knee activity should be reduced. Overuse and trauma are common causes of knee pain. And resting your knee will help …
Health topics
… a lot of other stress. What are the symptoms? The most common symptoms of postpartum depression are feeling very … Your doctor will do a physical examination and ask about your mood and your symptoms. Be sure to tell your … Antidepressants While I'm Pregnant? Symptoms The two most common symptoms of depression are: Feeling sad or hopeless …
Health topics
… Look at the skin and nails on your hands and feet. Ask about your medical history. This includes any previous … Avoid injuring your nail. Cutting nails too short is a common cause of nail injury. Athlete's … Avoid injuring your nail. Cutting nails too short is a common cause of nail injury. Athlete's …
Health topics
… as much oxygen. Sleep-related breathing disorders are quite common in people with COPD. Many of these people will have … sleep. For air travel. The level of oxygen in airplanes is about the same as the oxygen level at an elevation of 2400 m … as much oxygen. Sleep-related breathing disorders are quite common in people with COPD. Many of these people will have …