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3942 results found
Health topics
… people hold stress in their minds. They may worry so much about a problem that they can't think clearly. If you hold … vicious circle. You have back pain, and you start to worry about it. This causes stress, and your back muscles begin to … thing at a time. Make time for joy. Take some time to think about the things that are important to you and things you …
Health topics
… especially around kids and teens. Examine your own thoughts about food and your weight, body, and shape. Are you always … of your child or teen. Do not tease or criticize your child about his or her weight or shape. Avoid encouraging a young … teen, regardless of his or her weight. If you are worried about your child's health, ask your child's doctor to advise …
Health topics
… from which you can be awakened easily. Stage N2 lasts from about 30 to 60 minutes. During this stage, your muscles … (delta) brain activity. Stage N3 is deep sleep and lasts about 20 to 40 minutes. During this stage, delta brain … during REM sleep. During REM sleep: The eyes and eyelids flutter. Breathing becomes irregular. During REM sleep, it …
Health topics
… the situation that is causing the temptation. Don't worry about "how it will look" if you leave a party, wedding … than a place or event, consider what you can do, think about, or tell yourself that will help you cope with the temptation. Use some activity to distract yourself for about 20 minutes. Do something different. If drinking …
Health topics
… turn your head" exercise for vertigo If you are concerned about falling, always have someone with you when you take … any dizziness goes away. Repeat this until you have walked about 15 m (50 ft). Do this exercise twice. Slowly work up … left and then to the right, every other step. Try to walk about 15 m (50 ft). Walk about 15 m (50 ft) while moving …
Health topics
… you can do to help keep your relationship healthy. Learn about the condition. Understanding the condition can help … you let go of any blame or false beliefs you might have about the condition. Separate your loved one from the … illness. Instead, focus on the things you love and enjoy about the person. Make it safe for your loved one to talk to …
Health topics
… for yourself and your family. The decisions you make will influence your overall well-being as well as the quality and cost of your care. People who learn as much as they can about their choices often are more confident about the decisions they make. And in general, people who …
Health topics
… development Most children by age 1: Have grown a total of about 25 cm (10 in.) in length since birth and measure … (cognitive development) Most children by age 1: Are curious about everyday objects and how they work. Your child may try … such as stacking blocks or getting excited when you talk about going to the store. Start to understand …
Health topics
… shot. The shot may cause bone loss. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits. How well does it work? When … But when the shot is not used exactly as directed , it is about 94% effective. This means that about 6 out of 100 people who use it will have an unplanned …
Health topics
… through death. Grief counselling may include: Learning about grief and what to expect when grieving. In grief counselling, people are taught about grief, including expected feelings and thoughts. They … trouble expressing their feelings are encouraged to talk about their loss or to use other means of expressing …