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3942 results found
Health topics
… But years later, something happened to make her think twice about her smoking habit. Nancy was working as a nurse and … out of me," Nancy says. So Nancy started to think seriously about quitting. But quitting was harder than she thought it … in cigarettes. She thought that quitting smoking was all about willpower. And at that time there weren't a lot of …
Health topics
… and emotional time. There's a lot you need to think about and plan for, which can be overwhelming. You may … don't hesitate to ask friends and family for support. Talk about how you feel. Check in often with your partner, close … like to try yoga, meditation, or guided imagery. Write about your feelings. It may help to write down your fears …
Health topics
… a plan can be a great way to get everyone on the same page about what you think you'd prefer. Here are some ideas for … Include the medical treatments you prefer to have. Think about pain medicine you'd want, even if you don't think you'll need it. And think about your options if you end up needing a C-section. Say …
Health topics
… and heart disease. If you smoke, ask your doctor or midwife about ways to quit. If you quit smoking before you become … try to cut down as much as you can. Talk to your doctor about a program to help you quit. Ask your doctor about nicotine replacement or other medicine. Get rid of …
Health topics
… children is a big job. It can be overwhelming to think about all the things your child needs to learn to stay safe … act, encourage them to stop, take a breath, and think about the consequences. Talk openly. Encourage your children … touch other children's blood , urine, stool, or other body fluids. Good safety habits The world can be a dangerous …
Health topics
… 9:30 Late for meeting with supervisor Tight stomach, fear about performance review Talked with Janet about it and felt better 11:00 Copier broke down again … Bill to call repair person Not sure 3:15 Call from sister about her divorce interrupted my work Headache got worse …
Health topics
… stimulating imaginative play (a primary way children learn about the world), and introducing children to things and places they may not have a chance to learn about otherwise, such as oceans or dinosaurs. Helping children work out their feelings about the world. Many children's books are on topics that …
Health topics
… by the idea of eating a meal. Talk with other people about things that interest you. Avoid talking about the food you are eating or thinking about your weight gain worries. Resist the temptation to …
Health topics
… You can ask your child's doctor for a referral. Learn about the condition. Your child's doctor or counsellor may … recommend books, podcasts, and websites. You could find out about: Symptoms of the condition. Your child's treatment … to help. This can include: Telling your child's teacher about the condition and asking how the school can help. …
Health topics
… for a person who has died. You may have trouble thinking about anything other than the person who died. These … Act as though nothing has changed. They may refuse to talk about the loss. Become preoccupied with the memory of the lost person. They may not be able to talk or think about anything else. Drink more alcohol or use more tobacco. …