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Health topics
… point scale Use the following point scale to answer the questions. 0 points means you answered "never" to the … of the time" to the question. 3 points means you answered "about half of the time" to the question. 4 points means you … you answered "almost always" to the question. Symptom score questions Over the past month, how often have you had the …
Health topics
… Lungs and Airways Learning Center Learn about your lungs and airways Healthy lungs allow you to … Illness Committing to Quitting: Your Quit-Tobacco Plan Common Questions About the Influenza (Flu) Vaccine Comparing …
Health topics
… may start as dieting, but it gets out of control. You think about food, dieting, and weight all the time. You have a … Anorexia usually starts in the teen years. It's much more common in females than males. Early treatment can be … may also have blood tests or X-rays. Your doctor may ask questions about how you feel. It is common for a treatable …
Health topics
… new town or school, or losing a loved one. Bulimia is most common in: Teens. Like other eating disorders, bulimia … pills ( diuretics ), or other medicines. Base how they feel about themselves on how much they weigh and how they look. … or electrolyte imbalances. He or she also may ask questions about your mental well-being. It is common for …
Health topics
… Allergies Learning Center Learn about allergies If you are like a lot of people, you are … Reaction to Tattoo Dye Allergic Rhinitis Allergic Rhinitis: Common Triggers Allergies to Insect Stings Allergies: Rush … Controlling Cockroaches Bedbugs Care of an Insect Sting Common Stinging or Biting Insects or Spiders Controlling …
Health topics
… by leaps and bounds Your child probably peppers you with questions and loves to talk to others. Learn what else to … Repeats five word sentences Talks to himself or herself about recent events and make believe characters Uses social … and act them out using puppets or dolls Answer complex questions, such as "What is this?" or "How did you do that?" …
Health topics
… may be caused by: Past infection. This is most often a sexually transmitted infection . Sometimes it can be linked … or other types of surgery. Endometriosis . This is a common cause of infertility. Scarring of fallopian tubes … or other types of surgery. Endometriosis . This is a common cause of infertility. Scarring of fallopian tubes …
Health topics
… what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Gallstones: Should I Have Gallbladder Surgery? 1 … best way to prevent gallstone attacks. The surgery is very common, so doctors have a lot of experience with it. Your … more about my options. 3. Use the following space to list questions, concerns, and next steps. Your Summary Here's a …
Health topics
… False claims in the news have made some parents concerned about a link between ASD and vaccines. But studies have … ASD. Diagnosing ASD involves a combination of screening questions, assessments, and evaluation of the way a child … take a sarcastic comment literally. Puberty and emerging sexuality may be harder for teens who have ASD than for …
Health topics
… the vagina and cause itching and discomfort. The three most common types of vaginitis and their causes are: Yeast … sex partner, having a partner who has a vagina, having a sexually transmitted infection , using an IUD for birth … You get it by having sex with someone who has it. It is commonly called trich (say "trick"). Another type of …