1778 results found
Health topics
… you feel a gentle stretch on your back leg. Hold for a count of 10 (increasing the count to 30 or longer as you continue over several weeks). … you feel a gentle stretch on your back leg. Hold for a count of 10 (increasing the count to 30 or longer as you …
Health topics
… prescribed treatment? Have I had any recent medical tests (blood, urine, X-rays, or other tests) that this health … test Date Results Am I taking any prescription or over-the-counter medicines that my health professional is not aware … condition I have, such as instructions about monitoring my blood sugar if I have diabetes? Yes ___ No ___ Are there any …
Health topics
… Other non-weight-bearing exercises. Avoiding heart and blood pressure problems Autonomic neuropathy affects the heart and blood vessels. It may limit your ability to exercise. It … strenuous exercise. And it may cause sudden shifts in your blood pressure during or after exercise. Make sure you talk …
Health topics
… screening tests? Screening tests for birth defects include blood tests and a certain type of ultrasound . Depending on … neural tube defects , or certain rare genetic problems. The blood tests are used to look for the amount of certain substances in your blood. The doctor uses an ultrasound to look for certain …
Health topics
… separation? A shoulder separation is the partial or complete separation of two parts of the shoulder . It occurs … is not injured. In a type II injury , the AC ligament is completely torn, and the CC ligament is either not injured … The range of motion of your shoulder and other joints. Blood flow, by taking your pulse and assessing your skin …
Health topics
… levels are high. Watch local weather reports for pollen counts in your area. In general, the pollen counts are lowest just after sunrise. They then begin to … levels are high. Watch local weather reports for pollen counts in your area. In general, the pollen counts are …
Health topics
… and reduce your risk for further heart problems. Lower high blood pressure You will receive tips on lowering your high blood pressure through methods such as the dietary … and stress management, dietary changes can help lower your blood pressure. Improve cholesterol You will get help …
Health topics
… on whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. A1c blood test. This test shows the average level of blood sugar … the blood. The eGFR goal is greater than 60 mL/min/1.73 m². Complete foot examination. The doctor checks for foot sores … as your dentist recommends Goal: Healthy teeth and gums Complete eye examination. High blood sugar levels can damage …
Health topics
… toilet more often. Be aware of medical equipment such as a blood pressure cuff, tubing, or wires. They could cause you … get out of bed. Before you get out of bed, sit up first. Count to 10 before you stand up. If you regularly wear … toilet more often. Be aware of medical equipment such as a blood pressure cuff, tubing, or wires. They could cause you …
Health topics
… to a level that can no longer be detected with current blood tests. Antiretroviral medicines that are often used to … need to use safer sex practices. CD4+ Count Test HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Infection HIV … to a level that can no longer be detected with current blood tests. Antiretroviral medicines that are often used to …