3960 results found
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… recover quickly and have little pain or other symptoms after surgery. Most children go home within 1 to 2 hours after the surgery. Your child will probably be able to go … ears for 6 to 18 months. They often fall out on their own. After the tubes are out, watch your child for signs of ear …
Health topics
… have arthroscopic meniscectomy can bear weight a day or two after surgery and can return to full activity within 2 to 4 weeks. After the full range of motion without pain is possible, you … are the most likely to have less pain and better function after a partial meniscectomy. footnote 1 Risks In any …
Health topics
… Cleaning your hands is especially important before you eat; after you use the toilet; after you touch an animal; and after you sneeze, cough, or blow your nose. Shower or bathe …
Health topics
… chronic lung disease may have symptoms as soon as 3 days after birth. The most common first symptom is trouble … a high-pitched sound when breathing. Tire easily during and after feeding. Have pale, grey, or blotchy skin, especially … if your baby needs extra oxygen for at least 28 days after birth. Based on your baby's gestational age and how …
Health topics
… surgery. This difference continues for at least 4 years after surgery. footnote 2 After 10 years: People treated with surgery were as … but it may help both. footnote 4 But symptoms may return after several years. Some people may need a second surgery …
Health topics
… of your own eggs and sperm and donor eggs and sperm. After IVF, one or more fertilized eggs are placed in the … (FSH) ). You will get these hormone shots every day for about 1 to 2 weeks. Your doctor will check your blood … atmospheric, and infection control for 48 to 120 hours. About 2 to 5 days after fertilization, the best fertilized …
Health topics
… physical examination, and the doctor will ask you questions about your past health. How is DVT treated? Treatment for … help prevent DVT, you might take an anticoagulant medicine. After an illness or surgery, you can try to get up and out … problems. Prevent falls and injuries. Tell your doctors about all other medicines and natural health products that …
Health topics
… get longer and the baby gets more calorie-rich milk. After 2 weeks, most infants have gained back the lost weight … her birth weight by 2 weeks of age. Gains weight too slowly after 2 weeks of age. Poor weight gain in an infant may be … get longer and the baby gets more calorie-rich milk. After 2 weeks, most infants have gained back the lost weight …
Health topics
… eyelid, ear, or nose. For skin cancers that have come back after surgery (recurrent). To relieve symptoms but not to … occur in the surrounding area. Skin cancers may come back after radiation therapy and be harder to treat successfully. … eyelid, ear, or nose. For skin cancers that have come back after surgery (recurrent). To relieve symptoms but not to …
Health topics
… that add up to the recommended goals. Stretch before and after you exercise. This may improve flexibility, maintain … you think you worked at it, and how you felt during and after the exercise. This will help you see your progress and … that add up to the recommended goals. Stretch before and after you exercise. This may improve flexibility, maintain …