3960 results found
Health topics
… bottle. Insulin stored at room temperature will last for about a month. Read and follow all instructions on the … from the company that makes the pens. Clean up and storage After giving your shot: Store your insulin properly so that … your local trash disposal agency, pharmacy, or your doctor about how to get rid of the container. Other suggestions for …
Health topics
… such as tendinopathy or a tear, most doctors ask questions about your past health and do a physical examination. The … to 10 minutes of walking or biking. Cool down and stretch. After intense activity, gradually cool down with about 5 minutes of easy jogging, walking, or biking. Then do …
Health topics
… worse. Preventing a toe joint problem from returning after corrective surgery. Before shopping for shoes for your … a high risk of falling, ask your doctor what else to think about when you choose a shoe. When shopping for the right … toe box (the area that surrounds the toes). There should be about 1.3 cm (0.5 in.) of space between your longest toe and …
Health topics
… fit it into her schedule. It didn't work. "That lasted about a year and a half," says Kris. "And then I just kept … beginning and feeling like her legs were going to fall off after just a few minutes. "So I would just say, 'All right, … stretch a little bit farther. It makes you feel pretty good about yourself." Making physical activity a routine Kris …
Health topics
… you have a fractured rib. It is important to see a doctor after a rib injury. A blow that is hard enough to fracture a … breath. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your injury and do a physical examination. The doctor … an X-ray or other imaging test if your doctor isn't sure about your symptoms. But broken ribs don't always show up on …
Health topics
… family was born with a cleft palate, you may want to think about genetic counselling . It can help you understand your … by doing a physical examination of the baby's mouth shortly after birth. Fetal ultrasound can sometimes find cleft … family was born with a cleft palate, you may want to think about genetic counselling . It can help you understand your …
Health topics
… you shop, decide on the meals and snacks you want. Think about how much time you have to prepare your meals, and then … such as apples, grapes, or oranges, that are ready to eat after you wash them. Low-fat string cheese with whole-grain … you shop, decide on the meals and snacks you want. Think about how much time you have to prepare your meals, and then …
Health topics
… toward you while keeping your knee straight. While standing about 0.5 m (2 ft) from a wall, lean forward against the … Stretch your muscles every day, especially before and after exercise and at bedtime. Don't suddenly increase the … toward you while keeping your knee straight. While standing about 0.5 m (2 ft) from a wall, lean forward against the …
Health topics
… disease may leave a painless bump on the bone that remains after the problem has gone away. What causes it? … How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your child's past health and do a physical examination … How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about your child's past health and do a physical examination …
Health topics
… determined to keep up their healthy habits can lose them after they have children. Young children can demand so much … are old enough to run or climb, which may not be until about age 2, they are probably strong enough to ride in a … are old enough to run or climb, which may not be until about age 2, they are probably strong enough to ride in a …