1989 results found
Health topics
… are chemicals and bacteria that can contaminate certain types of seafood. Eating the seafood may result in foodborne … may look, smell, and taste normal. There are five common types of marine toxins, and they all cause different … not have to meet the same standards as seafood for eating. Types of marine toxin poisoning Cooking does not destroy the …
Health topics
… . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer attention to … such as diabetes, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, and congenital heart disease. Steroid medicines, which are used … such as diabetes, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, and congenital heart disease. Steroid medicines, which are used …
Health topics
… This can involve: Pitting on the surface of the nail. Defects in the nail, such as ridges or crumbling nails. … This can involve: Pitting on the surface of the nail. Defects in the nail, such as ridges or crumbling nails. …
Health topics
… a course of treatment for you. Breaks (fractures), defects, or cracks that go deep into the tooth and involve … a course of treatment for you. Breaks (fractures), defects, or cracks that go deep into the tooth and involve …
Health topics
… the first weeks of pregnancy has been linked to neural tube defects . footnote 2 If you use a hot tub or sauna, be … if you feel dizzy, faint, have a rapid pulse, irregular heartbeat, stomach pain, or tingling in feet and hands. … if you feel dizzy, faint, have a rapid pulse, irregular heartbeat, stomach pain, or tingling in feet and hands. …
Health topics
… the right dose of insulin, especially if you are giving two types of insulin in the same syringe. Practice how to give … on whether you are giving one type of insulin or mixing two types. To prepare a shot with a single type of insulin, … a single dose of insulin . To prepare a shot that has two types of insulin, follow the steps for preparing a mixed …
Health topics
… syndrome? Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome is a heart rhythm problem that causes a very fast heart rate. WPW is one type of supraventricular tachycardia … chambers (atria) and lower chambers (ventricles) of the heart. In normal hearts, the only electrical connection …
Health topics
… same or get better or worse as you get older. What are the types? There are three major types of the disease. They range from mild to severe. In … antigen. Genetic testing to look for gene changes and types of von Willebrand disease. How is von Willebrand …
Health topics
… cardiomyopathy is a serious condition that weakens your heart muscle and causes it to stretch, or dilate. When your heart muscle is weak, it can't pump out blood as well as it … can slow or stop the progression of the disease. For some types of cardiomyopathy, treatment can help the heart work …
Health topics
… hip, or shoulder. It may also be used during childbirth. Types of regional anesthesia The main types are: Peripheral nerve blocks. This is a shot near a … hip, or shoulder. It may also be used during childbirth. Types of regional anesthesia The main types are: Peripheral …