1594 results found
Health topics
… webs are disturbed. Bites to babies, children, and older adults may be more serious. What are the symptoms of a black … high blood pressure, or are pregnant. Children and older adults with some medical conditions may also be given the … webs are disturbed. Bites to babies, children, and older adults may be more serious. What are the symptoms of a black …
Health topics
… Eosinophilic esophagitis can occur in both children and adults. It's more common in males than in females. It may … stuck in your throat. Pain in the chest or upper belly. Heartburn. In children, common symptoms include: Refusing to … stuck in your throat. Pain in the chest or upper belly. Heartburn. In children, common symptoms include: Refusing to …
Health topics
… not at risk. Removing the ovaries may increase your risk of heart disease and osteoporosis . These risks may be higher … raise your risk for some long-term health problems, such as heart disease and osteoporosis . These risks may be higher … prescribe estrogen therapy . This treatment doesn't prevent heart disease, but it helps to lower your risk of …
Health topics
… pressure. It shows how hard the blood pushes when the heart is pumping. The second number is the diastolic … pressure. It shows how hard the blood pushes between heartbeats, when the heart is relaxed and filling with blood. What causes it? …
Health topics
… Autism: Support and Training for the Family Caring for Adults With Autism Unproven Treatments for Autism …
Health topics
… is needed to properly transmit electrical impulses in the heart. A low potassium level can disrupt the normal electrical impulses in the heart and lead to irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias). If potassium levels are low, a …
Health topics
… social and verbal skills and lead independent lives as adults. Most people with ASD will always have some trouble … with certain topics. For example, older children and adults may be fascinated by video games, trading cards, or … for others this age. Symptoms in adulthood More and more adults who have ASD are able to work and live on their own. …
Health topics
… the symptoms are like those of other problems, like a heart attack . A doctor will do a physical examination. You … can also cause other symptoms. These include: A fast heart rate. Wheezing. Fainting. If you have symptoms like … one or both lungs can cause shortness of breath and a rapid heart rate. Inflammation of the tissue that covers the lungs …
Health topics
… discomfort). Angina occurs during activities that make the heart work harder, such as climbing stairs, having sex, … your overall health and reduce your risk for further heart problems. Lower high blood pressure You will receive … with taking cholesterol medicine. You will want to eat a heart-healthy diet even if you are taking …
Health topics
… (the part of plaque that obstructs the flow of blood to the heart) in the arteries, and then EDTA "cleans out" the … calcium deposits from the arteries, reducing the risk of heart problems. Research results have been inconsistent. … Risks Children, pregnant women, and people who have heart or kidney failure should not have chelation therapy at …