3982 results found
Health topics
… . If you have a family history of PKU, talk with your doctor about genetic testing if you want to find out … 1 If the phenylketonuria (PKU) screening test shows that your baby has a phenylalanine problem, the doctor will do further testing to check whether your baby has PKU. Finding and starting treatment for PKU …
Health topics
… Carbohydrate counting is a skill that can help you and your child plan his or her meals to manage diabetes and … control blood sugar. Carbohydrate counting also can allow your child to eat a variety of foods, just like other kids, … control and confidence in managing diabetes. When you and your child know how much carbohydrate is in food, you can …
Health topics
… upper calf. You are most likely to feel this when you bend your knee or straighten it all the way. Sometimes the pocket … and redness in that part of the leg. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will examine your knee and ask you questions about your past health and …
Health topics
… a rice-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste up to age 3. Ask your dentist if this is right for your child. Use a pea-sized amount for children ages 3 to 6 … water supply. To find out how much fluoride is in your drinking water, call your local water company or the …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Newborn senses Your newborn is equipped with all five senses. But some are more developed than others. Touch. Your newborn's sense of touch is highly developed, … At birth, fluid in the ear canal and middle ear may affect your baby's hearing. This fluid usually clears in a few …
Health topics
… that you use one time and then throw away. They can protect your health and the health of the person you're caring for. … when you give shots. Gloves do not protect you from poking your skin with sharp objects. So if you are handling sharp … when you choose not to use gloves or don't have any, keep your hands as clean as possible. After coming into contact …
Health topics
… (BPPV), you may have to deal with vertigo throughout your life. The spinning sensation it causes puts you at risk for falling and can also affect your quality of life if it interferes with your level of activity. You can do exercises at home to help …
Health topics
… Information Overview The following tips can help you keep your eyes healthy and your vision as clear as possible. Provide good light for … work, or study. Use soft background light, plus a light on your task. Take regular breaks from close work and visually …
Health topics
… normal fluid buildup during pregnancy. It's most common in your face, hands, or feet. As your pregnancy continues, your uterus puts pressure on blood vessels that go to your …
Health topics
… Overview After a stroke, problems with your vision, speech, or ability to move can change your ability to drive safely. So you'll need your doctor's approval to drive again. This may be hard to …