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Health topics
… of cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, among others. Diabetes also increases the risk of cardiovascular …
Health topics
… at a later time. After surgery, you will probably go home the same day or the next day. Many people can go back to work or their normal routine in 3 to 6 weeks. Your new breast will likely not have any feeling. It will … bleeding, or a reaction to the anesthesia used in surgery. Other risks from breast implants include: Capsular …
Health topics
… injury. What causes it? Autonomic dysreflexia occurs when your body reacts to pain or pressure below your spinal cord … reaction that causes your blood pressure to go up. Other things that may cause this reaction include: Urinary … are ways you may be able to treat autonomic dysreflexia at home. Sit up straight, or raise your head so you are looking …
Health topics
… around or inside the mouth. Cold sores can easily spread to others until the blisters are completely healed. But there … may include a spot that tingles, burns, or itches around your mouth and on your lips. A blister usually forms within … If children have oozing cold sore blisters, keep them home until the blisters scab over. …
Health topics
… is a type of surgery to remove tissue from the back of your throat. You will be asleep during surgery. The doctor … improve obstructive sleep apnea that has not been helped by other treatments. Obstructive sleep apnea happens when your … positive airway pressure (CPAP). You will probably go home the day after surgery. In about 1 to 2 weeks, you can …
Health topics
… blood sugar range and by using medicine, surgery, and other types of treatment. When foot problems develop, those … as long as weight-bearing on the area continues. Unless your foot ulcer is infected, your doctor may put a cast on … your injured foot is very important. Even when you are at home, be careful to stay off that foot. Cushioned shoes, …
Health topics
… Down syndrome usually learn to talk but do so later than other children. Typically, they understand speech (receptive … usually shows parents techniques that they can practice at home with their child. Occupational therapy. Occupational … a nutritious diet plan and offer helpful ideas for feeding your child. Vocational training . This usually is provided …
Health topics
… rash If you get a mild rash, you can take care of it at home. Here are some tips to help with itching: Apply a cool, … it for just the first week or so since longer use can dry your skin and make the rash worse. Try not to scratch … and topical anesthetics like Lanacane. Severe rash See your doctor if: The rash covers a large area of your body. …
Health topics
… be controlled by medicines. But it can also be used for other conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and … often put in during separate surgeries on different days. Your doctor will drill small holes in your skull. Then tiny … in the hospital for a day or two after this surgery. The other step is to put in a small, battery-powered generator. …
Health topics
… for an SCI is typically done in a special centre. You and your family work with a rehab team, a group of health … Does your centre treat only those with an SCI? If it treats others, are people with an SCI kept in different areas? What … make recommendations as to how I may need to modify my home? Will you provide a follow-up plan? What will it …