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Health topics
… also taught how to tell the difference between grieving and other conditions, such as depression, that can develop from … feelings are encouraged to talk about their loss or to use other means of expressing themselves. For example, a … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… to 1 Year On this page: If your baby is born with Down syndrome , you will likely have … with Down syndrome grow and develop in the same way as other children but at a slower rate. Your support system. It is important to connect with other people who understand and have had similar …
Health topics
… respond to medicine or if side effects of medicine cause other serious problems. Surgery may be needed when you have: … two parts of the intestine or between the intestine and other internal organs. Holes (perforations) in the large … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… Having anemia means you don't have enough red blood cells . Your body needs these cells to carry oxygen from your lungs … doesn't make enough red blood cells. You have a disease or other problem that destroys red blood cells. Losing too much … during their periods. It can also happen with ulcers or other problems that cause bleeding inside the body. Not …
Health topics
… iron while you are pregnant. These nutrients are vital to your baby's cell growth, brain and organ development, and … a meal. Get plenty of calcium. If you don't use milk or other dairy products, be sure to get calcium from other sources. Good sources of calcium include …
Health topics
… who has died. You may have trouble thinking about anything other than the person who died. These feelings may interfere with your ability to take care of your daily responsibilities. They last longer than is usual for others in your social circle or from your cultural …
Health topics
… Social skills training helps you get along better with other people in daily life, at work, and in social … situations. These classes also help you develop skills for your personal relationships and can help you learn how to … of schizophrenia that may make it hard to interact with other people. Your training may help you: Make better eye …
Health topics
… should see a doctor to rule out prostate cancer or other diseases. Prostate cancer is treatable, but treatment … by the NNHPD before they can be sold in Canada. Always tell your doctor if you are using a natural health product or if … with prescription and non-prescription medicines or other natural health products you might be taking. A side …
Health topics
… to help with liver function, diabetes, indigestion, and other conditions. It has been widely used in Europe, where … by the NNHPD before they can be sold in Canada. Always tell your doctor if you are using a natural health product or if … with prescription and non-prescription medicines or other natural health products you might be taking. A side …
Health topics
… Center for Complementary and Integrative Health and other institutes, funds ongoing research of many … and risks. Traditional Chinese herbal medicines, like other medicines, may also cause side effects, trigger … you use any traditional Chinese therapies, be sure to tell your medical doctor about any prescription, …