3991 results found
Health topics
… You may not have any symptoms when something is stuck in your esophagus . But when symptoms are present, they may … neck, chest, or abdomen. Feeling that something is stuck in your throat. If an object is stuck in your esophagus, your doctor will need to remove it. Most …
Health topics
… trimester, the baby settles, or drops lower, into the mother's pelvis. This is known as dropping or lightening. … a good predictor of when labour will begin. In first-time mothers, dropping usually occurs 2 to 4 weeks before … begins. You may or may not notice a change in the shape of your abdomen after dropping. You may notice that your …
Health topics
… syndrome (IBS). You meet the Rome III criteria for IBS if your symptoms began at least 6 months ago, you have had … is linked to a change in the appearance or consistency of your stool. Having any of the following symptoms supports … a day or less than 3 times a week) A change in the form of your stool (such as lumpy and hard or watery and loose) A …
Health topics
… bowel movements. Pain, itching, and bright red blood on your stool are common symptoms of hemorrhoids. Blood in the … a lot of blood in the stool, not just on the surface, call your doctor or midwife right away. If there are just a few drops on the stool, let your doctor or midwife know today to discuss your symptoms. …
Health topics
… become more competitive. Sometimes you'll need to urge your child to get off the couch and exercise. You can help motivate your child by your example—when you get regular exercise yourself. Also, …
Health topics
… sometimes called systolic heart failure. This is because your left ventricle doesn't squeeze forcefully enough during systole, which is the phase of your heartbeat when your heart pumps blood. So the amount of blood being pumped …
Health topics
… and are breastfeeding, the cow's milk protein is passed to your baby. Cow's milk protein is also an ingredient in most … usually will be switched to a different kind of formula. If your baby has signs of a milk protein allergy, contact your baby's doctor. Lactose Intolerance …
Health topics
… tips may help you stand and walk using good posture: Keep your ear, shoulder, hip, and ankle in a line. Avoid locking your knees while standing. Try placing one foot on a low … for a long time. Switch feet every few minutes. Keep your lower back in the neutral position . Related …
Health topics
… medicines can make you feel light-headed or affect your balance. A few examples are: Antibiotics. Blood … Pain medicines. Medicines used to treat cancer (chemotherapy). If you think a prescription or non-prescription … Pain medicines. Medicines used to treat cancer (chemotherapy). If you think a prescription or non-prescription …
Health topics
… of perceived exertion (RPE) can help you measure how hard your body is working when you exercise. To do this, you monitor yourself as you exercise. For example, you think about how … An RPE is usually used as part of a cardiac rehab program. Your cardiac rehab team will teach you how to use RPE. Then …