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Health topics
… during the procedure, especially if sperm are inserted into your uterus. You may be told to avoid strenuous activities … sperm in the semen, or they're poor quality. In this case, your doctor may recommend that you try ICSI. ICSI stands for … by certain assisted reproductive techniques. Talk with your doctor about these possible risks. Current as …
Health topics
… or may cause burning in the throat and esophagus , call your local Poison Control Centre immediately for information … are treated first by rinsing (flushing) the chemical off your body with a large amount of room temperature water, but … substance if he or she is able. Put on gloves to protect yourself from the chemical, if you need to remove it. As you …
Health topics
… become too tight if the skin swells. Clean the burn Wash your hands before cleaning a burn. Do not touch the burn with your hands or anything dirty, because open blisters can … help prevent infection, apply a clean bandage whenever your bandage gets wet or soiled. If a bandage is stuck to a …
Health topics
… knee. Pain may be severe enough at night that it disturbs your sleep. Tenderness when you press on the affected area … muscles. Stretching exercises for the hip and lower back. Avoiding prolonged standing and the activity that causes … muscles. Stretching exercises for the hip and lower back. Avoiding prolonged standing and the activity that causes …
Health topics
… (HealthLinkBC File #33) Immunize BC: Hepatitis A Protect Yourself From Hepatitis A When Travelling Hepatitis B You … B Virus Infection (HealthLinkBC File #40d) Protecting Your Baby against Hepatitis B at Birth (HealthLinkBC File … . Learn more about hepatitis C: Hepatitis C Hepatitis C: Your Risk for Cirrhosis Public Health Agency of Canada: …
Health topics
… if they have trouble remembering how to do a task. Put your hands in your pockets to keep yourself from gesturing as you talk the person through the …
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… Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… beating unevenly ( palpitations ). How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and past health. You may have an …
Health topics
… changes in the first trimester Last updated August 11, 2013 Your body goes through lots of physical and emotional … of breath Morning sickness Overview Some of the changes in your body will be obvious. For example, your periods will stop, your breasts may become tender and …
Health topics
… You also will follow instructions on how to clean out your colon. This will help your doctor to be able to see inside your colon during the test. Before you schedule When you …