3984 results found
Health topics
… help, and memorize the phone number. Be careful online too. Your online activity may be seen by others. Do not use your personal computer or device to read about this topic. … refusing to have safer sex, or making you feel bad about yourself sexually. Teen dating violence is common and just …
Health topics
… will teach you about eating well and about controlling your blood sugar levels. You will learn how to manage … Legs Syndrome: What Conditions Can Cause It? Sally's Story: Avoiding Metabolic Syndrome Screening for Gestational … Legs Syndrome: What Conditions Can Cause It? Sally's Story: Avoiding Metabolic Syndrome Screening for Gestational …
Health topics
… with stool may be a sign of a more serious problem.) Tell your doctor if you have any bleeding with a bowel movement. … diagnosed? A doctor can diagnose an anal fissure based on your symptoms and a physical examination. The examination … disease or a weakened immune system . How can you care for yourself at home? If your doctor prescribed cream or …
Health topics
… health problems. Although it isn't normal to have lead in your body, a small amount is present in most people. … examination to look for signs of lead poisoning. If your doctor suspects lead poisoning, your doctor will do a blood test to find out the amount of …
Health topics
… Include fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains in your diet each day. These foods are high in fibre. Drink plenty of fluids, enough so that your urine is light yellow or clear like water. Get some … if needed. Read and follow all instructions on the label. Your doctor may suggest you use a medicine like polyethylene …
Health topics
… or burn slightly. You may feel a snapping feeling against your skin. When the treatment is done, the area may be … less injury on the surface but affects the deeper layers of your skin. It is used to treat fine lines, deeper wrinkles, … red for several weeks. If you are getting treatment around your mouth, you may get an antiviral drug called acyclovir …
Health topics
… Alcohol has both immediate and long-term effects on your body, including an increased risk of injuries and chronic diseases. The less you drink, the lower your risk. Different factors put some people more at risk … the more alcohol you drink per week, the more you increase your health risk. For example: Not drinking at all has …
Health topics
… hard to accept. You may wonder why it happened or blame yourself. But a stillbirth can happen even in a pregnancy … a lot and feel angry and hopeless. You may want to blame yourself or someone else. It might be hard to eat or sleep. You and your partner may not grieve in the same way. Each of you …
Health topics
… take several months to subside. Try to avoid heavy use of your hand for up to 3 months. How soon you can go back to … on the type of surgery you had, whether the surgery was on your dominant hand (the hand you use most), and your work activities. If you had open surgery on your …
Health topics
… e-cigarettes. It supports you if you want to quit or reduce your use. Trained quit coaches work with you one-on-one to stick to your quit plan and help you through rough patches. The … provide information and motivational support to guide your quit. Talk Tobacco Provides culturally appropriate …