3984 results found
Health topics
… you might be wondering how much breastfeeding is enough for your baby. Here are some guidelines that can help. In the first three to four days after birth, your baby may lose some weight. This is normal, as long as your baby still has wet and soiled diapers. Learn the signs …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Listen to your body to tell you when you're hungry or full. Hunger is a normal sensation that makes you want to eat. Your body tells your brain that your stomach is empty. This makes your …
Health topics
… a cataract , you will most likely be allowed to return to your normal activities. But you need to take certain precautions. Use eyedrops as prescribed by your doctor. Wash your hands before putting drops in your eye. Be careful not …
Health topics
… you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed to help people take an … example, call if: You passed out (lost consciousness). Call your doctor if you have symptoms. For example, call if: You have swollen glands in your armpits, groin, or neck. You have abnormal bleeding. …
Health topics
… of these sutures close too soon. How the problem affects your baby depends in part on how many of the sutures close … and are planning another pregnancy, you may want to talk to your doctor about genetic counselling. What are the … slowly than other children. How is it diagnosed? You or your doctor may notice that your baby has an odd-shaped head …
Health topics
… Gestational Diabetes: Giving Yourself Insulin Shots Actionset Overview If you have … gestational diabetes and you have not been able to keep your blood sugar levels within a target range , you may need … sugar. High blood sugar can lead to problems for you and your baby. Insulin is given as a shot into the fatty tissue …
Health topics
… means thinking of discipline as a way to guide and teach your child about positive ways to behave. It uses discipline … proactively. The goal is to use techniques that encourage your child's sense of responsibility, nurture self-esteem , and strengthen your relationship with your child. This may involve setting …
Health topics
… another blood sample will be taken. This is to see if your tissue type matches well enough for the transplant. If … examination. You will also be asked questions about your health and your family history of diseases. And you'll be asked to sign …
Health topics
… be times when you just don't feel like testing and tracking your blood sugar. There are ways to handle these tough feelings, though. Getting support and talking about your feelings can help. Your doctor or others in your health care team can help you …
Health topics
… updated August 9, 2013 Now that you're nearing the end of your pregnancy, you'll be seeing your doctor or midwife more frequently. After about your 30th week of pregnancy, you'll have an appointment …