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3987 results found
Health topics
… experience. Depending on who you are and the nature of your loss, your process of grieving will be different from another … and getting support from others can help you grieve in a healthy way. If you have just had a major loss in your life, …
Health topics
… with alcohol. Before you drink, consider a few things: Is your diabetes well controlled? Do you know how drinking … high blood pressure, nerve damage, or eye problems from your diabetes? If you take insulin or another medicine for … week . Choose drinks wisely. Use sugar-free mixers, like diet tonic or water. Pick drinks with less alcohol, like …
Health topics
… You may also use a mechanical device that gently moves your jaw joint (continuous passive motion). Your jaw movement may be limited for at least a month. And you may need to follow a diet of liquid and soft foods. Why It Is Done Arthroscopy …
Health topics
… pain in an arm or a leg. Usually the pain is in a part of your body where you had surgery or an injury. The pain is … Skin that may feel hotter or colder than other areas of your body. Swelling, joint stiffness, weakness, or shaking … temperature of the painful arm or leg with the matching, healthy one. For instance, if your left arm hurts, your
Health topics
… to find health problems early? Screening tests help your doctor look for certain diseases before any symptoms … Regular screening tests and checkups can help you stay healthy. Talk with your doctor whenever you have concerns about your health. …
Health topics
… One runs along each side of the neck. They supply blood to your brain. When plaque builds up in either one, it can limit blood flow to your brain. The plaque also raises your risk of stroke. This … the risk of stroke and death. Medicine and a heart-healthy lifestyle may work as well as surgery to prevent a …
Health topics
… the whites of the eyes look yellow. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks you may have hepatitis C, he or she will … to eat, ask your doctor about meeting with a registered dietitian to discuss a healthy eating plan. Avoid alcohol and drugs. Your liver …
Health topics
… Infantile Tay-Sachs With infantile Tay-Sachs, a baby looks healthy at birth. A doctor may see a red spot on the child's … much Hex A the body makes. How is it diagnosed? If you or your doctor thinks that your child has Tay-Sachs disease, your doctor will do a …
Health topics
… near the birth canal. This position is called breech. If your baby stays in this breech position, you will probably … a caesarean section (C-section). Most breech babies are healthy and don't have problems after birth. Your doctor may try to turn your baby. To do this, the …
Health topics
… If you have a possible poisoning emergency, call 9-1-1 or your local provincial Poison Control Centre immediately. … and houseplants. If these items are not kept out of reach, your child could swallow, inhale, or eat these toxic … if they are chewed or ingested. Use childproof latches on your cupboards. And be careful of what you store in your