3987 results found
Health topics
… with stool may be a sign of a more serious problem.) Tell your doctor if you have any bleeding with a bowel movement. … diagnosed? A doctor can diagnose an anal fissure based on your symptoms and a physical examination. The examination … Include fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains in your diet each day. These foods are high in fibre. Drink plenty …
Health topics
… you learn more? What is dehydration? Dehydration means that your baby has lost too much fluid. This can happen when a … sunken eyes with few tears. This condition can be serious. Your baby's body needs fluids to make enough blood. Without … as the heart and brain can't work as well as they should. Your baby may need special care, such as being in the …
Health topics
… for fibromyalgia. Regular exercise will strengthen your muscles, increase blood flow to the muscles, and increase your endurance. It also may reduce the risk of tiny injuries … pain. Exercise may also help you sleep better and improve your overall sense of well-being. Mild to moderate exercise …
Health topics
… diary helps you keep track of how well you are managing your asthma . If you have symptoms or an asthma attack , … Here is an example of how to use an asthma diary if you are keeping track of peak flow. Week of October 12 My personal … Here is an example of how to use an asthma diary if you are keeping track of peak flow. Week of October 12 My personal …
Health topics
… worry and find some calm. Here are some tips. Acknowledge your feelings. Try to recognize what you're feeling when … about coping strategies that might make things worse. Keeping yourself busy might take your mind off your stress. … about coping strategies that might make things worse. Keeping yourself busy might take your mind off your stress. …
Health topics
… require specific gear, and learning about buying gear is your responsibility as you learn the sport or activity. Always use the safety gear recommended for your chosen activity, such as a helmet and knee pads. Learn … If you don't, you risk injury. Get the right shoes for your activity, especially for aerobic activities. Shoes …
Health topics
… against the wall at chest level. Step back with one foot, keeping that leg straight at the knee, and both feet flat on the floor. Your feet should point directly at the wall or slightly in … against the wall at chest level. Step back with one foot, keeping that leg straight at the knee, and both feet flat on …
Health topics
… caffeine is safe for the baby. It's a good idea to keep your caffeine intake below 300 mg a day. Limiting your caffeine intake is important because: More caffeine may … calcium. Caffeine can interfere with sleep for both you and your fetus. Avoid caffeine, or limit your intake to about 2 …
Health topics
… help, and memorize the phone number. Be careful online too. Your online activity may be seen by others. Do not use your personal computer or device to read about this topic. … leave suddenly. If you have children, take them. And take your pets, too, if possible. Checklist for preparing to …
Health topics
… the nails softer and easier to trim. Start by gathering your supplies. You will need fingernail clippers and a nail … and nail polish remover. To trim the nails: Wash and dry your hands. You don't need to wear gloves. Use nail polish … hand steady with one hand while you trim the nails with your other hand. Trim the nails straight across. The nail …