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… is contagious. It spreads when a person who has active TB breathes out air that has the TB bacteria in it and then another person breathes in the bacteria from the air. An infected person … is contagious. It spreads when a person who has active TB breathes out air that has the TB bacteria in it and then …
Health topics
… making healthy choices by talking about what things make it easier or harder to eat well. Encourage your child to … to understand or use spoken or written language. Having learning problems in school could be a sign of a learning disability . Showing signs of attention deficit …
Health topics
… something blocks a young child from gaining independence or learning a skill. The child may not yet have the skills to … who still have tantrums after the age of 4 may need help learning to deal with their emotions. Tantrums that continue or start during the school years may be a sign of learning problems or other issues that the child may need …
Health topics
… confused. The symptoms of ADHD can also be confused with a learning disability . A psychologist can do some tests to see if your child is having trouble learning how to read, write, or do math problems. There is … we were happy to have an option that might make it easier for her to get along with her classmates. Parents of …