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3943 results found
Health topics
… can cause the imbalance. "Depression always will get better by itself." "You usually can wait it out." "Treatment … trigger it. Medicines, hormone problems, childbirth, and using alcohol and drugs all can trigger depression. … trigger it. Medicines, hormone problems, childbirth, and using alcohol and drugs all can trigger depression. …
Health topics
… who have well-developed language skills tend to have better memories and attention spans. This makes learning … who have well-developed language skills tend to have better memories and attention spans. This makes learning …
Health topics
… only a light towel when cleaning your toddler's ears. Avoid using cotton swabs or putting anything in the ear canal … hearing problems, the sooner they're found and treated the better - preferably by six months of age. See your doctor or …
Health topics
… from treatment. And even though you're well, you may still feel distress over everything you went through. Some changes … may be good. You may have a fresh outlook on life and feel that you've been given a second chance. This is a time … and remember that there's no right or wrong way to feel. Accept changes in your relationships. Cancer changes …
Health topics
… development. About 75 out of 100 children who stutter get better without treatment. footnote 1 The most common normal … development. About 75 out of 100 children who stutter get better without treatment. footnote 1 The most common normal …
Health topics
… to the dentist. You may be very nervous and may actually feel sick to your stomach. Some people become so nervous … tools (such as the sound of a drill) may bring this back. Feeling helpless or out of control. Being confined to the … takes, such as wearing a mask and gloves, may add to this feeling. Being embarrassed about the condition of your …
Health topics
… Losing a baby may bring grief, guilt and despair. You may feel empty and have problems being around pregnant women and mothers with babies. These feelings are normal. If your baby is stillborn, or dies near … will have the opportunity to see and hold your baby. If you feel comfortable, take pictures of the baby alone or cuddled …
Health topics
… growl and gives you hunger pangs. Hunger makes some people feel light-headed or grouchy. Everyone is different. Hunger … are, and certain hormone levels in your body. Fullness is a feeling of being satisfied. Your stomach tells your brain that it is full. Normally, this feeling causes you to stop eating and not think about food …
Health topics
… baby is healthy. Most women—especially in a first pregnancy—feel their baby move for the first time between 16 and 22 weeks. The movement may feel like flutters rather than kicks. Your baby may move … your doctor may ask you to count the number of times you feel your baby move. How do you count fetal kicks? A common …
Health topics
… a stool or changing positions every few minutes. Get gentle exercise, such as walking. If you can, walk for 10 to 20 … a stool or changing positions every few minutes. Get gentle exercise, such as walking. If you can, walk for 10 to 20 …