3943 results found
Health topics
… by the NNHPD before they can be sold in Canada. When using natural health products, keep in mind the following: … health products that you would like to try or are already using. Your doctor can help you manage your health better if he or she knows about all of your health …
Health topics
… and Jealousy Actionset Overview Often an older child will feel jealous when you have a new baby. It may take a few months before a child shows signs of these feelings. But after some time, your child will realize that … from their parents. Conflict often happens because children feel they are competing with their siblings for this …
Health topics
… dealing with a stressful situation. Eating to soothe your feelings. Using food as a reward. (For example, "That was really a … Having a plan can help you deal with your emotions without using food. It's about you and what works best for you. Here …
Health topics
… like it has the only answer or a secret method that works better than any other method. There are no "magic bullets." … like it has the only answer or a secret method that works better than any other method. There are no "magic bullets." …
Health topics
… Age 12 and Older Sleep, Rest, and Breastfeeding Sleeping Better Snoring Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Stages of … Age 12 and Older Sleep, Rest, and Breastfeeding Sleeping Better Snoring Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Stages of …
Health topics
… invasive and less likely to cause cataracts. They also do a better job of lowering eye pressure in children who have … vision. Infection in the eye. High pressure in the eye, causing the space in the front part of the eye (anterior … vision. Infection in the eye. High pressure in the eye, causing the space in the front part of the eye (anterior …
Health topics
… Taking medicine while also getting counselling works even better for quitting smoking. Explore more Quitting Smoking … Taking medicine while also getting counselling works even better for quitting smoking. Explore more Quitting Smoking …
Health topics
… problem. They can cause big changes in how your child feels and behaves. All kids have strong emotions or tantrums … friends and social events. Doing poorly in school or refusing to go to school. Not getting along with family … friends and social events. Doing poorly in school or refusing to go to school. Not getting along with family …
Health topics
… you go outside, take a few deep breaths. How does the air feel? Warm or cold? Try to accept that feeling and not resist it. What else do you notice around … do this at work, at home, or anywhere. Note how your body feels. Let your mind settle before you return to what you …
Health topics
… or depression, are medical problems that affect how you feel. What causes it? Experts don't know what causes … mood disorder. Mood disorder symptoms include: Depression. Feeling extremely happy or having lots of energy (mania). Schizophrenia symptoms include: Not feeling emotions. Having hallucinations. This means that you …