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3943 results found
Health topics
… Remember to rest when your child is resting. If you feel uncomfortable about leaving your sleeping child alone, … the bed with your older child. Talk with your doctor if you feel exhausted and unable to continue to care for your child … Remember to rest when your child is resting. If you feel uncomfortable about leaving your sleeping child alone, …
Health topics
… anxiety, low self-esteem, or obsessive behaviours. Feeling a need to be perfect. Feeling social or cultural pressure about thinness or … anxiety, low self-esteem, or obsessive behaviours. Feeling a need to be perfect. Feeling social or cultural …
Health topics
… your baby has pyloric stenosis, the doctor may be able to feel a small lump in the upper part of the belly. In some … baby's care while he or she is in the hospital may help you feel more comfortable when you take your baby home. Talk … how to feed your baby and what to expect. It's normal to feel nervous, but don't be afraid to hold and handle your …
Health topics
… caused you to fear for your life, see horrible things, and feel helpless. Strong emotions caused by the event create … think that your life or others' lives are in danger. You feel that you have no control over what is happening. These … on after a traumatic event. The strong emotions you may feel during the traumatic event can create changes in your …
Health topics
… or from fear or worry after being bitten. You may: Faint or feel like you might faint. Sweat and have chills. Be sick to your stomach or vomit. Feel weak or dizzy. The severity of symptoms will depend on … severe pain, swelling of the whole limb, and general ill feelings, such as nausea, vomiting, and weakness. Swelling …
Health topics
… equipment If a friend or family member will regularly be using the equipment, make sure it’s adjustable or adaptable … Read about the equipment in magazines or online. Talk to an exercise professional. Ask friends or family who already use …
Health topics
… spine. footnote 1 This type of rehabilitation can include exercise, education, and cognitive behavioural therapy. As … spine. footnote 1 This type of rehabilitation can include exercise, education, and cognitive behavioural therapy. As …
Health topics
… because breastfeeding is so good for your baby, it is better to breastfeed than not even if you do not stop … to quit smoking: It’s never too late to stop smoking or using other substances – it will benefit both you and your …
Health topics
… How resources were evaluated Each resource was evaluated using the following tools and process: The Patient Education … of Physical Therapy, UBC Dr. Zainisha Vasanji, Qualified Exercise Professional, Physical Activity Line & HealthLink …
Health topics
… up to your chest. This will help relieve back pressure. Try using pads instead of tampons. Get regular exercise. You might find that it helps relieve pain. … or trying to become pregnant, talk to your doctor before using any medicine. Do not take aspirin if you are younger …