3943 results found
Health topics
… nipples, a hungry baby and a smaller milk supply. If you feel pain when your baby's on the breast - pain that's not a … latched: Image The initial latch may hurt but you shouldn't feel pain in the nipple area. You should feel a tug. Your baby's chin is touching your breast and …
Health topics
… Overview Shaving may help a person feel good. How often a person shaves can depend on their … can cause even minor cuts to bleed more than usual. Also, using an electric razor may be easier if the person has lost … special techniques. Use back and forth strokes. If you're using a razor with round heads (rotary shaver), move the …
Health topics
… use of heat after an injury. Some experts: Do not recommend using heat because it may increase swelling, especially in … use heat and you notice that the swelling increases, stop using heat and return to cold treatments. Think heat speeds … To avoid burning your skin, do not use anything that feels too warm. Think it is best to alternate between heat …
Health topics
… awake periods and closely supervise. Allowing your baby to exercise and move in this position helps develop head and … and trunk coordination, sit alone steadily, and may crawl using both their hands and feet. Some babies even pull … and trunk coordination, sit alone steadily, and may crawl using both their hands and feet. Some babies even pull …
Health topics
… may have lab or imaging tests to see if something else is causing it. How is essential tremor treated? There are some … Some people may not need treatment. If your tremors are causing problems for you, you can choose to get treatment. How … Eat a balanced, healthy diet. Try to reduce stress. Regular exercise and massages may help. Avoid drinks or foods with …
Health topics
… outward to the arms, back, neck, or jaw. This pain can feel similar to a heart attack. If you have chest pain, you … that measure pressure. A barium swallow is done using X-rays. Other tests may be done to find out whether … that measure pressure. A barium swallow is done using X-rays. Other tests may be done to find out whether …
Health topics
… your doctor or nurse if medicines make you dizzy or if you feel weak or light-headed. If you feel this way, don't try to get up on your own. Call the … out of bed. Don't try to do it on your own until you feel confident. If you need help getting to the toilet, call …
Health topics
… the year Physical Activity Services : speak to a qualified exercise professional from 9am to 5pm Pacific Time, Monday … For for the deaf and the hard of hearing, contact us using Video Relay Services (VRS) or Teletypewriter Relay … sign language. VRS is available when making telephone calls using Internet and cell-phone technology. Visit Video Relay …
Health topics
… or a slower heart rate. For example, during periods of exercise, when the body requires more oxygen to function, … or a slower heart rate. For example, during periods of exercise, when the body requires more oxygen to function, …
Health topics
… Overview It can be scary and confusing to think about the future when your child is very sick. Even as you try to cope with these feelings, you may need to make important decisions about … we develop our content . … Overview It can be scary and confusing to think about the future when your child is very …