3943 results found
Health topics
… to stay healthy. What about side effects? Some people feel sick to their stomach when they take these medicines. … check the information that came with the medicine you're using. If you have questions, talk to your pharmacist or … check the information that came with the medicine you're using. If you have questions, talk to your pharmacist or …
Health topics
… to a Child Actionset Overview If your child doesn't want to feel the insulin needle, your child's doctor can prescribe … task. Get ready To get ready to give an insulin injection using an insulin vial and insulin syringe or an insulin pen, … alcohol wipe or a cotton ball dipped in alcohol. If you are using an insulin pen, you will need a needle that works with …
Health topics
… to Prevent Stroke? 1 Get the Facts 2 Compare Options 3 Your Feelings 4 Your Decision 5 Quiz Yourself 6 Your Summary Get … can prevent blood clots from moving out of the heart and causing a stroke. The device is placed inside of the heart … can prevent blood clots from moving out of the heart and causing a stroke. The device is placed inside of the heart …
Health topics
… of high blood sugar. Symptoms of high blood sugar include feeling very thirsty, feeling very tired, and urinating more … to check your child's blood sugar. Keep instructions for using the blood sugar meter with the meter. Make sure they … to check your child's blood sugar. Keep instructions for using the blood sugar meter with the meter. Make sure they …
Health topics
… You can also find how much UV exposure you are getting by using the shadow rule. If your shadow is longer than you, … If you're going to have high exposure to the sun, consider using a physical sunscreen. These sunscreens, such as zinc … You can also find how much UV exposure you are getting by using the shadow rule. If your shadow is longer than you, …
Health topics
… prescription and non-prescription medicines can make you feel light-headed or affect your balance. A few examples … think a prescription or non-prescription medicine may be causing your light-headedness or vertigo, call your doctor. … think a prescription or non-prescription medicine may be causing your light-headedness or vertigo, call your doctor. …
Health topics
… having symptoms that suggest that your blood pressure is causing a serious heart or blood vessel problem. Your blood … These may include: Chest pain or pressure, or a strange feeling in the chest. Sweating. Shortness of breath. Nausea … you don't have symptoms. You think high blood pressure is causing symptoms, such as: Severe headache. Blurry vision. …
Health topics
… a bee or wasp hive. Bees are more likely to attack if they feel threatened. If you're caught in or near a swarm of bees … a bee or wasp hive. Bees are more likely to attack if they feel threatened. If you're caught in or near a swarm of bees …
Health topics
… medicine, stop taking it. Call your doctor if you feel you need to continue taking the medicine. … medicine, stop taking it. Call your doctor if you feel you need to continue taking the medicine. …
Health topics
… medicine, stop taking it. Call your doctor if you feel you need to continue taking the medicine. … medicine, stop taking it. Call your doctor if you feel you need to continue taking the medicine. …