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3943 results found
Health topics
… by a doctor, stop taking it. Call your doctor if you feel that you need to continue taking the medicine or need … by a doctor, stop taking it. Call your doctor if you feel that you need to continue taking the medicine or need …
Health topics
… the child's usual breathing pattern, usually in response to feeling angry or frustrated. It's the most common type. A … older. If your doctor thinks that a medical condition is causing the spells, your child may need treatment. To decrease … older. If your doctor thinks that a medical condition is causing the spells, your child may need treatment. To decrease …
Health topics
… test negative (you do not have the changed gene), you may feel guilty if your brother, sister, or child tests positive. Or you may feel angry if you test positive and your relatives do not. … test negative (you do not have the changed gene), you may feel guilty if your brother, sister, or child tests …
Health topics
… particularly after the first few weeks when their breasts feel soft, and their baby seems to be feeding constantly! …
Health topics
… the benefits to your child. It is important to do these exercises exactly as instructed. Before you start, gather … your lap. If your child is older, he or she may be in bed using pillows for the different positions. You may need to … of pain and discomfort. If you notice this, you may be using too much force. Is your child congested but mucus …
Health topics
… objects the person may mistake for the toilet. Consider using absorbent pads or briefs such as Attends or Depends. … In some cases, he or she may be aware of the problem and feel embarrassed or ashamed about it. If incontinence has … the person doesn't have another medical condition that is causing it, such as a urinary tract infection. Related …
Health topics
… toe may bend up at the joint where the toe and foot meet, causing the middle toe joint to rise up. Phalangeal head … and if non-surgical treatments such as roomier footwear, exercises, and pain medicine have not helped, you and your … toe may bend up at the joint where the toe and foot meet, causing the middle toe joint to rise up. Phalangeal head …
Health topics
… TURP usually requires a stay in the hospital. It is done using a general or spinal anesthetic . What To Expect After … those who used watchful waiting. footnote 1 Symptoms get better for 7 to 10 out of 10 men who have the surgery. … Think About TUR syndrome doesn't happen when TURP is done using a bipolar tool (resectoscope) compared to a monopolar …
Health topics
… tasks. Blink often, and close and rest your eyes when they feel tired or dry. Avoid glare on TV and computer screens. … tasks. Blink often, and close and rest your eyes when they feel tired or dry. Avoid glare on TV and computer screens. …
Health topics
… benefit from making diet changes if you also get plenty of exercise and don't smoke. Start with small changes But you … benefit from making diet changes if you also get plenty of exercise and don't smoke. Start with small changes But you …