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3943 results found
Health topics
… your metabolism speeds up. You may lose weight quickly or feel nervous and moody. Or you may have no symptoms at all. … active role in managing a health condition. Eye Problems: Using Eyedrops and Eye Ointment Healthy Eating: Taking … radioactive iodine treatment. But the condition may get better if you take antithyroid medicine. In rare cases, …
Health topics
… angina. Know when to stop and rest. If an activity or exercise causes angina, stop and rest to relieve your … your symptoms will happen, but they may come on sooner, feel worse, or last longer. You feel dizzy or light-headed, … angina. Know when to stop and rest. If an activity or exercise causes angina, stop and rest to relieve your …
Health topics
… it helps you relearn how to do daily tasks, sometimes by using different muscle groups. Rehab helps you adjust to life with less movement and feeling than you had before. What you'll do in rehab depends … balance, and coordination. They provide training and exercises to improve mobility, such as using a wheelchair or …
Health topics
… swelling (often in the ankles), cramping, aching, a heavy feeling in the legs, or varicose veins. You may also have … diagnose venous insufficiency by examining your legs and by using a type of ultrasound test (duplex Doppler) to find out … suggest other steps to try at home, such as getting regular exercise. Medicine or a procedure can also be treatment …
Health topics
… from everyday worry or stress. For example, most people feel worry and stress at some time, such as when speaking in … on the 10th floor of a building. Then you would do an exercise to help you relax until your worry and fear about … would try going onto a balcony on a lower floor and do the exercise to help you relax. Finally, over time, you might be …
Health topics
… of urine. Having to urinate often, especially at night. Feeling pain or burning during urination. Less common … and biofeedback to reduce pain and tension. Breathing exercises to help you relax. Talk with your doctor about any … like to try. And let your doctor know if you are already using any complementary therapies. They are not meant to …
Health topics
… syndrome include: Chest pain or pressure, or a strange feeling in the chest. Sweating. Shortness of breath. Nausea … symptoms might happen when they're at rest and they're not using much energy or feeling stressed. How is it diagnosed? … steps to quit smoking, eat heart-healthy foods, get regular exercise, and stay at a healthy weight. Manage other health …
Health topics
… based on the concept that your body and mind are connected. Using all of your senses, your body seems to respond as … lemon, and then see yourself taking a bite of the lemon and feel the juice squirting into your mouth. Many people salivate when they do this. This exercise demonstrates how your body can respond to what you …
Health topics
… when he couldn't make it through a squash game without feeling pain. He moved around the court just fine. But as … putting on my muscles," Steve says. "But when I changed my exercise routine or stopped working out, the pain was still … that people try to relieve the pain with medicine and exercise first, especially if their pain isn't really bad, …
Health topics
… in your wrist called the carpal tunnel. This nerve controls feeling in your thumb and first three fingers. When there is … may include: Changing or avoiding activities that may be causing symptoms. Taking frequent breaks from repetitive … to keep your wrist straight, usually just at night. Doing exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles in the hand …