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Health topics
… Dialysis removes urea and other waste products from the blood. To find out how well dialysis is working, you will have blood tests that look at the level of urea in your blood. Usually these tests are done once a month, at the …
Health topics
… to join two veins in a damaged liver. One vein carries blood to the liver (portal vein). The other vein goes from … vein). TIPS forms a channel that allows some of the blood to bypass the liver. What To Expect You may go home … you go home. Why It Is Done TIPS is used to reduce high blood pressure in the portal vein that carries blood from …
Health topics
… 2 diabetes and other medicines are not controlling your blood sugar. If you have gestational diabetes, you may need … insulin if diet and exercise have not helped to keep your blood sugar levels within your target range. With little or no insulin, sugar (glucose) in the blood can't enter your cells to be used for energy. This …
Health topics
… Warfarin is a pill that you take regularly to help prevent blood clots or to keep a clot from getting bigger. To make sure that warfarin is effectively thinning your blood, it's important to eat about the same amount of … K every day. Here's why: Vitamin K normally helps your blood clot so wounds don't bleed too much. Warfarin works …
Health topics
… people who need treatment right away for severely limited blood flow to a leg or foot. Key points to remember Your … blockage of arteries in your arms and legs. It causes poor blood flow. When you walk or exercise, your leg muscles don't get enough blood. This may cause symptoms, such as leg pain during …
Health topics
… malfunction. Common causes include serious infection, blood loss from major surgery or injury, or the use of some … is usually caused by a long-term disease, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, that slowly damages the kidneys … may cause pain in the side or lower back (flank pain), blood in the urine, or reduced urine output. Dehydration may …
Health topics
… pain or discomfort that happens when there isn't enough blood flow to the heart muscle. It's a symptom of coronary … change in your usual pattern of angina means that the blood flow has become more impaired and you could be having … stabbing chest pain and occurs with shortness of breath. A blood clot in the lung ( pulmonary embolism ). It usually …
Health topics
… been damaged, it may not be able to filter poisons from the bloodstream, especially substances in the blood produced by bacteria in the large intestine. As a … substances (which include ammonia) may build up in the bloodstream and cause problems in your brain called …
Health topics
… C virus. It is spread by contact with an infected person's blood. The most common way to get hepatitis C is by sharing … have hepatitis C, he or she will talk to you about having a blood test. If the test shows hepatitis C antibodies , then … Hepatitis C is spread by contact with an infected person's blood. In Canada, the activity with the highest chance of …
Health topics
… of the eye that's usually white? This does not include a blood spot on the eye. Yes Redness in part of eye that's … worse No Swelling around eye is getting worse Is there any blood in the eye? This includes blood spots on the surface of the eye. Yes Blood spot or …