421 results found
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… stones? Kidney stones are made of salts and minerals in the urine that stick together to form small "pebbles." They are … and genital area. Other symptoms include blood in the urine (hematuria), painful or frequent urination (dysuria), … balance of water, salts, minerals, and other things in urine. The most common cause is not drinking enough water. …
Health topics
… (IPSS) . Men who took beta-sitosterol also had a better urine flow rate then men who took a placebo. footnote 1 See … urination compared to a placebo. It also increased urine flow and decreased the amount of urine retained in the bladder. footnote 3 But these studies …
Health topics
… a good choice if the cancer isn't near the openings where urine enters or leaves the bladder. Simple cystectomy takes … a cystectomy, your doctor will create a new way to pass urine from your body. There are several ways this can be … of your small intestine to make a tube. After surgery, the urine passes from the ureters through the conduit and out …
Health topics
… lack of activity, poor hygiene, or problems releasing urine. Use of medicines that can cause trouble urinating or … lack of activity, poor hygiene, or problems releasing urine. Use of medicines that can cause trouble urinating or …
Health topics
… Stress incontinence means that you leak a small amount of urine when you do something that puts stress, strain, or … . The sphincter must then do all the work of holding urine in. The extra pressure when you sneeze, cough, or strain forces urine past the sphincter. How is it treated? Pelvic floor …
Health topics
… baby should have five or more wet diapers a day. Baby's urine should be pale yellow. Your baby has three or more … baby: Does not have: 1 or more wet diapers with clear, pale urine on day 1 2-3 wet diapers each day, with clear, pale yellow urine on days 2-3 3-5 wet diapers each day, with clear, pale …
Health topics
… the way. This is because the muscle that helps to retain urine cannot relax. (This is a form of spasticity). … insert through the urethra and into the bladder. It allows urine to drain. (The urethra is the tube that carries urine outside the body from the bladder.) This is called …
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Health topics
… will help you and your doctor see how often you leak urine and what seems to cause the leakage. Name: Date: … p.m. 8–10 p.m. 10 p.m.–midnight Overnight Number of times urine leaked today: Number of absorbent pads used today: … will help you and your doctor see how often you leak urine and what seems to cause the leakage. Name: Date: …
Health topics
… remain in the blood while low amounts are passed out in the urine. During a normal pregnancy, increased blood volume and … of creatinine filtered out of the blood and passed into the urine. A measurement of this amount is called the creatinine … test requires a blood sample and a sample of all the urine collected for 24 hours (24-hour urine sample). For …