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2280 results found
Health topics
… they become pregnant may have more noticeable and frequent symptoms during pregnancy. Kidney disease. Diabetes . … you may also be tested for one of these conditions if your symptoms suggest a specific cause. Your doctor may recommend … these tests may help you and your doctor find out whether symptoms are related to anemia, low blood iron levels, …
Health topics
… psychogenic seizures , sometimes called pseudoseizures. NES symptoms usually appear suddenly and at times of extreme emotional stress. Some doctors believe that the symptoms of NES may be an attempt to reduce anxiety by not … psychogenic seizures , sometimes called pseudoseizures. NES symptoms usually appear suddenly and at times of extreme …
Health topics
… while you are pregnant depends a lot on how bad your symptoms are. Talk to your doctor, and compare the risks of taking the medicine with the risks of living with your symptoms. If you were taking medicine for depression before you got pregnant, stopping now could cause your symptoms to come back. Also, quitting antidepressants …
Health topics
… it easier to get a good night's sleep, especially if your symptoms are mild. How can you make changes to sleep better? If your RLS symptoms are mild, you may be able to get a good night's … exercise is important, but very hard workouts may make your symptoms worse. Try to figure out what level of exercise …
Health topics
… remove your varicose veins. Try home care to improve your symptoms. You can exercise, prop up your legs when resting, … to first try some things at home to reduce pain or other symptoms from varicose veins. You can wear compression … and lose weight if needed. If these steps don't help your symptoms, you may want to have surgery or a procedure. …
Health topics
… making it hard for you to get pregnant or if you have other symptoms that affect your quality of life, and other … hormone therapy (GnRH-a) for a limited time if you have bad symptoms. If you want to get pregnant, taking out just the … as they grow. Over time, the size, shape, location, and symptoms of fibroids may change. Your risk for uterine …
Health topics
… of the feet are caused by changing hormone levels. The symptoms go away after delivery. Moisturizers may give some … for concern. Sometimes changing position helps relieve symptoms. Numbness and pain that occur in your thumb, index … buildup of fluid puts pressure on nerves in your wrist. Symptoms usually go away after pregnancy. Swelling also can …
Health topics
… for eating disorders, you learn: About your illness, its symptoms, and how to predict when symptoms will most likely recur. To keep a diary of eating … 4 hours apart. How to change the way you think about your symptoms. This reduces the power the symptoms have over you. …
Health topics
… the vagina. If you are pregnant and have abnormal vaginal symptoms, such as vaginal discharge or itching, talk with your doctor about your symptoms before using home treatment measures or … talk with your doctor and get treatment. Note : If you have symptoms of a pelvic infection or think you may have an STI, …
Health topics
… growing older. You don't need treatment for it unless your symptoms bother you. But it's a good idea to learn all you … risk for hypothyroidism . Thyroid problems can cause some symptoms, like irregular menstrual periods, that are similar to perimenopause symptoms. How can you lower your risk for other health …