2282 results found
Health topics
… malocclusion too, but how isn't exactly clear. What are the symptoms? The most obvious sign is teeth that are crooked or … it diagnosed? A dentist usually checks for malocclusion in children during regular dental visits. If the jaw or teeth … malocclusion too, but how isn't exactly clear. What are the symptoms? The most obvious sign is teeth that are crooked or …
Health topics
… Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor Examinations and … that make carpal tunnel syndrome more likely. What are the symptoms? Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause tingling, … may have pain in their arm between the hand and the elbow. Symptoms most often occur in the thumb, index finger, middle …
Health topics
… Breastfeeding On this page: Prevention Symptoms Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care … completely may also make mastitis more likely. What are the symptoms? If you have mastitis, you may first notice: A … warm to the touch, or both. Chills, aches, and flu-like symptoms. A fever. These first symptoms may start after you …
Health topics
… Heartburn by Changing Your Habits Actionset Overview Symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can be … You can make changes to your lifestyle to help relieve your symptoms of GERD. Here are some things to try. Change your … snacks aren't a good idea. Avoid foods that make your symptoms worse. These may include chocolate, mint, alcohol, …
Health topics
… for a newborn to get COVID-19, pertussis (whooping cough), or influenza (flu). Ask people who have never had a tetanus , diphtheria , and whooping cough (Tdap) shot to get a dose at least 2 weeks before being in close contact with your baby. Adults and children need to get the yearly flu vaccine too. And ask …
Health topics
… Disorder On this page: Health Tools Cause Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor Examinations and … daily activities. Treatment can help most people have fewer symptoms or even stop the attacks. What causes them? Experts … high stress levels, and heavy alcohol use. What are the symptoms of a panic attack and panic disorder? A panic …
Health topics
… when a vertebra slips out of place, you may have no symptoms at all or no symptoms until years later. Then you may have pain in your … by an infection or arthritis. Spondylolisthesis affects children and teens who play sports. Some sports, such as …
Health topics
… Health Tools What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor Examinations and … hormones during the years you have periods. What are the symptoms? Pain and heavy menstrual bleeding are the most common symptoms of uterine fibroids. But often fibroids don't cause …
Health topics
… Feeling short of breath. A fever that doesn't go away. A cough that lingers more than 7 to 10 days after other symptoms have cleared, especially if it is bringing up mucus … Yellow, green, rust-coloured, or bloody mucus that is coughed up from the lungs, especially while other symptoms …
Health topics
… Disorder (OCD) On this page: Health Tools Symptoms What Happens Examinations and Tests Treatment … called serotonin may be part of the problem. What are the symptoms? Obsessions and compulsions are key symptoms of OCD. Obsessions are unwanted thoughts, ideas, …