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… Overview Treatment Overview Many children with ADHD need behaviour therapy to help them … class load or final examinations. These are all times when symptoms may be harder to manage. Talk about what your teen … class load or final examinations. These are all times when symptoms may be harder to manage. Talk about what your teen …
Health topics
… Basics Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When To Call Exams and Tests Treatment … through the body by blood or lymph fluid. What are the symptoms? The most common symptoms are pain, bleeding, and trouble getting pregnant. …
Health topics
… Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor Examinations and … up. The veins become weak, large, and twisted. What are the symptoms? Varicose veins look like swollen and twisted blood vessels under the skin. They may not cause any symptoms. Mild symptoms may include heaviness, burning, …
Health topics
… Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor Examinations and … tears or cracks on the outside of the disc. What are the symptoms? If a lumbar herniated disc isn't pressing on a … you may have an ache in your low back. Or you may have no symptoms at all. If the disc irritates or presses on the …
Health topics
… Artery Disease On this page: Overview Health Tools Cause Symptoms What Increases Your Risk When to Call a Doctor … flow to the heart and cause a heart attack . What are the symptoms? Symptoms can happen when the heart is working harder and …
Health topics
… need to be dressed too warmly in hot weather. What are the symptoms of heat rash? Heat rash looks like dots or tiny pimples. In young children, heat rash can appear on the head, neck, and … or chills with no other known cause. If any of these symptoms develop, contact your doctor immediately. What is …
Health topics
… sticky substance that your mouth produces. What are the symptoms? Healthy gums are pink and firm, fit snugly around … two types of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontitis. The symptoms are different for each condition. Gingivitis … is most common in adults, but it can affect anyone, even children. So good dental habits are important throughout …
Health topics
… ill adults who are not dressed warmly enough. What are the symptoms? Early symptoms of hypothermia include: Shivering. Cold, pale, or … increases your risk? Anyone can get hypothermia. Very young children and older people can be at higher risk. This is …
Health topics
… is needed to help control the infection and reduce symptoms. Some people are at higher risk for cellulitis, … if there wasn't an obvious break in the skin. What are the symptoms? At first, the infected area will be warm, red, … In adults, it often occurs on the legs, face, or arms. In children, it is most common on the face or around the anus. …
Health topics
… Islands. Most people infected with Zika don't have any symptoms. When symptoms are present, they include fever, rash, painful … safe to use a repellent that contains 10% or less DEET on children older than 6 months. If you are pregnant or …