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Health topics
… a bony mound in the knee called the tibial tubercle . Older children and teenagers often get Osgood-Schlatter disease … direction change (like soccer or football). What are the symptoms? Osgood-Schlatter disease usually affects only one … Your doctor can suggest home care to help relieve symptoms. A doctor or physiotherapist can teach your child …
Health topics
… physical activity Last updated November 30, 2014 Whenever children play actively, there’s always a chance of injury. … can enjoy physical activity safely. Injury prevention for children To keep children safe during physical activity and play, you can …
Health topics
… familiar with the sounds and rhythms of the language. Older children and teens Reading is an important activity that can help children learn to think and express themselves in new ways. … seems to lose interest. Reasons to read Reading books with children helps develop their language skills by: Increasing …
Health topics
… or other emergency services if you have pulmonary embolism symptoms, including: Sudden shortness of breath. Sharp chest pain that sometimes gets worse with deep breathing or coughing. Coughing up blood. Fainting. Rapid pulse or irregular …
Health topics
… according to the child's needs. High-functioning autistic children may be enrolled in mainstream classrooms and child … the behaviour of other normally developing children can provide examples for autistic children to follow. But other children are overstimulated in …
Health topics
… areata is most common in people younger than 20. But children and adults of any age may be affected. Women and men are affected the same. What are the symptoms? Alopecia areata usually begins when clumps of hair … affected. Women and men are affected the same. What are the symptoms? Alopecia areata usually begins when clumps of hair …
Health topics
… these skills during the first years of life. By age 6, most children learn the basics. Try to talk and read to your … at around 2 months and are babbling by about 6 months. Most children speak by one year, but it may still be hard to … are able to put into words. Starting around 18 months, many children have a burst in talking. By 24 months, children
Health topics
… family live better. Return to topic: Healthy Eating for Children Healthy Habits for Kids Helping Your Child Who Is … and how much to eat from the options you provide. Young children are good at listening to their bodies. They eat … stop when they're full. When we try to control how much children eat, we interfere with this natural ability. …
Health topics
… amounts of radiation or certain chemicals. What are the symptoms? CLL often doesn't cause any symptoms. When it does, they may include swollen lymph … you comfort, such as spending time outdoors or being with children. A cancer support group. Cancer support groups …
Health topics
… women get them during pregnancy or after taking estrogen . Children seldom have them. What causes seborrheic keratoses? … They seem to be related to sun exposure. What are the symptoms? Seborrheic keratoses can itch, bleed easily, or … They seem to be related to sun exposure. What are the symptoms? Seborrheic keratoses can itch, bleed easily, or …