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1589 results found
Health topics
… have long-term heart or lung problems or an infection like COVID-19. Choose a device that has been approved to give … have long-term heart or lung problems or an infection like COVID-19. Choose a device that has been approved to give …
Health topics
… help you learn to recognize those signals. How can you get back in touch with your hunger signals? Figure out where you … before you ate and where you were afterwards. When you look back at your food journal, you may see some eating patterns. … help you learn to recognize those signals. How can you get back in touch with your hunger signals? Figure out where you …
Health topics
… of your hip. Or they may be on the side or toward the back (posterior). Your doctor will talk with you about which … time. As the cartilage wears down, the bone surfaces rub against each other. This damages the tissue and bone, which … prevent blood clots. It usually takes a few months to get back to full activity. After you recover from surgery, you …
Health topics
… help the person turn to the side. Gently press the bedpan against their bottom, and then help them turn back onto the bedpan. If you can leave the person alone … needed. If wiping the vulva, be sure to wipe from front to back. If you used a wet wipe or a face cloth, dry the area …
Health topics
… tray over the person's shoulders, with the U shape against their neck. The other end of the tray should be in … hairline at the forehead and moving to the sides and to the back. Gently lift the head with one hand to reach the back of the head and neck. Rinse the hair. Apply conditioner …
Health topics
… commonly grow on the breastbone, shoulder, upper chest and back, earlobes, and face. Keloids do not become cancer. But … painful enough that you seek treatment. Keloids often grow back after treatment. It's possible to prevent a keloid from … vary from slightly pink to very dark. Keloids can rub against your clothes and become irritated, itchy, or …
Health topics
… breasts so your baby can latch on better If you are going back to work So your partner can feed the baby when your … edge of the areola. Gently push your thumb and fingers back towards your chest, then squeeze them together while …
Health topics
… they target other children who they think will not fight back. Not speak or show fear when certain people or … Children who are bullied are not to blame for attacks against them. Make sure your child understands this. Where … they target other children who they think will not fight back. Not speak or show fear when certain people or …
Health topics
… In severe cases, surgery can be used to pull the hernia back into the belly. Chest Problems … In severe cases, surgery can be used to pull the hernia back into the belly. Chest Problems …