1589 results found
Health topics
… Using a sleep positioner to hold a baby on their side or back can be dangerous. Keep soft items and loose bedding out … Using a sleep positioner to hold a baby on their side or back can be dangerous. Keep soft items and loose bedding out …
Health topics
… be needed if the baby's heart rate drops too much during pushing. Or it may be done if the baby's position is causing … a sanitary wipe. Only wipe your perineal area from front to back. Take pain medicines exactly as directed. If the doctor … be needed if the baby's heart rate drops too much during pushing. Or it may be done if the baby's position is causing …
Health topics
… Apply a cool or warm washcloth to your forehead and the back of your neck Drink two cups of water and take some … Pregnancy: Dealing with morning sickness Can I sleep on my back or my stomach? Yes. As long as you don't feel dizzy when you lie on your back, then plenty of blood is reaching your brain. If you …
Health topics
… Pressure Monitoring Avoiding Mercury in Fish Baby Blues Back Pain During Pregnancy Basal Body Temperature (BBT) … Syphilis Contractions During Pregnancy: What to Expect COVID-19: Advice if You're Planning a Pregnancy, Pregnant, … Syphilis Contractions During Pregnancy: What to Expect COVID-19: Advice if You're Planning a Pregnancy, Pregnant, …
Health topics
… that hurts other people. It can be physical—hitting or pushing—or verbal, such as name-calling. Aggression also can … (ODD) . Children with ODD may have tantrums and talk back to their parents or other adults. If this hostile … that hurts other people. It can be physical—hitting or pushing—or verbal, such as name-calling. Aggression also can …
Health topics
… on the head called positional plagiocephaly Make the neck, back and arm muscles stronger Help your baby learn to roll … comfort your baby. Try to comfort your baby Massage baby's back, arms or legs. Gently touch or stroke them Give your … it independently Your baby only needs to be on his or her back when sleeping . While awake, your baby should be held, …
Health topics
… use a hard-bristled toothbrush, or snap dental floss hard against your gums. Be gentle with your teeth. Use a … by tobacco use. Chewing tobacco or using snuff may push back the gums in the area of the mouth where the tobacco is … or vomiting. Pain, pressure, or a strange feeling in the back, neck, jaw, or upper belly, or in one or both shoulders …
Health topics
… contractions. Massage. Massage of the shoulders and lower back during contractions may help ease your pain. Changing … and perineum . It can help relieve pain from the second (pushing) stage of labour. It works quickly and usually … and perineum . It can help relieve pain from the second (pushing) stage of labour. It works quickly and usually …
Health topics
… Either procedure may be used to correct farsightedness and astigmatism at the same time. These procedures can be done on … the laser reshapes the cornea, the surface layer is placed back over the cornea. PRK and LASEK are sometimes called … the laser reshapes the cornea, the surface layer is placed back over the cornea. PRK and LASEK are sometimes called …
Health topics
… effects. It can be linked to headaches, an upset stomach, back pain, and trouble sleeping. It can weaken your immune … rate, and more. Interactive Tool: How Well Do You Bounce Back? Causes of Stress A lot of things can cause stress. You … and don't smoke. Staying healthy is your best defence against stress. Exercise. Even moderate exercise , such as …