1165 results found
Health topics
… checkups, the doctor will measure: Length (height). A baby's length is measured while lying down, from the top of … This is the measurement around the largest part of your baby's head. These measurements are plotted on a graph … growth spurts as well as periods of slow growth, even as a baby. Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns. Go to …
Health topics
… could decrease the amount of blood and oxygen to your baby which could hinder baby’s growth. Very high blood pressure could cause the … problems with the amniotic sac that surrounds your baby. Low-lying placenta versus placenta previa Placenta …
Health topics
… child is 6 months old. They usually have no effect on the baby's vision or cause any lasting eye problems. What causes … you touch the eye area. If signs of infection develop, your baby may need antibiotics . Sometimes a probing procedure … child is 6 months old. They usually have no effect on the baby's vision or cause any lasting eye problems. What causes …
Health topics
… Changing positions Massage and/or visualization Ice packs Acupuncture and/or acupressure Hypnosis However, sometimes … Can be used right up until birth with no effect on the baby. The mother holds the face mask and breathes in desired … given near birth may affect some babies' ability to breastfeed. Due to effect on the baby at birth, narcotics …
Health topics
… Parenting supports and resources available to new parents Breastfeeding, infant safety, self care and baby care Pregnant people and their partners who attend …
Health topics
… in one of these genes makes you much more likely to get breast, ovarian, and some other cancers. BRCA (say "BRAH-kuh") stands for "BReast CAncer." BRCA gene changes aren't common. Your doctor … you questions, such as if you have family members who had breast or ovarian cancer, if you were diagnosed with breast …
Health topics
… precautions also apply to other body fluids, including breast milk, semen, rectal and vaginal fluids, and fluid that … precautions also apply to other body fluids, including breast milk, semen, rectal and vaginal fluids, and fluid …
Health topics
… the heel of your other hand just above your fingers on the breastbone. (See a picture of hand placement for chest … a picture of hand placement for chest compressions on a baby .) How do you give chest compressions? Use the heel of … Press the chest down at least one-third of the depth of the baby's chest. If you are trained in CPR, how many …
Health topics
… You might be thinking about yourself and your baby and wondering if you can cope with contractions. As … become heavy, dark and bloody. Cervix continues to open. Baby’s head continues to move down into pelvis. Healthcare … the liquid is green, go to the hospital. Green means your baby has had a bowel movement. This may happen for no …
Health topics
… may cause a minor loss of fluids from the body. But in a baby or young child, the same size and depth of a burn may … matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in the area where … of a burn in an adult or older child is different than in a baby or young child . More than 2 percent More than 2 …