792 results found
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… time, never feels good enough, or worries a lot. You are dealing with stressful life events, such as divorce, moving … be hard to diagnose, because people often keep unhealthy thoughts and behaviours secret and may deny that they have a … psychotherapy (IPT) . In CBT you learn how to change negative thoughts that you may have about food, your weight, …
Health topics
… take them regularly, or if you stop taking them, your OCD thoughts and behaviours will probably return. … anxiety. A person who has OCD has intrusive and unwanted thoughts and repeatedly performs tasks to get rid of the thoughts. For example, if you have OCD, you may fear that …
Health topics
… or travel Something else What medical problems are you dealing with? List all of the health problems you are … or travel Something else What medical problems are you dealing with? List all of the health problems you are …
Health topics
… immunoglobulin shot is given to pregnant women who have Rh-negative blood. You may have Rh-negative blood, and your baby may have Rh-positive blood. If … These shots protect future pregnancies. Women with Rh negative blood will need this shot each time they get …
Health topics
… easily infected by others. How do isolation rooms work? Negative air pressure Sometimes isolation rooms use negative air pressure. This helps prevent airborne diseases … Then it filters the air before moving it outside. In a negative air pressure room, you may be able to feel air …
Health topics
Health topics
… may seem to be taking over your life. You may have anxious thoughts swirling around in your head at all hours of the … may seem to be taking over your life. You may have anxious thoughts swirling around in your head at all hours of the …
Health topics
Health topics
… test). It's possible for the rapid mono test to come back negative early in the course of the infection ( false negative ). Complete blood count. This may be done to help … if complications of mono occur or if the mono tests are negative. Liver tests may be done to find out if the virus …