2725 results found
Health topics
… doctor when it is okay for you to have vaginal sex. You can get pregnant in the weeks after an abortion. If you don't want to get pregnant, talk to your doctor about birth control … doctor when it is okay for you to have vaginal sex. You can get pregnant in the weeks after an abortion. If you don't …
Health topics
… school during the regular school year. Ask the school about getting a tutor. Tutoring during long absences may help your … episodes when it can be hard to keep their body still. Get support for yourself. Living with or caring for someone … school during the regular school year. Ask the school about getting a tutor. Tutoring during long absences may help your …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview A person who is getting care at home may need help with eating. When helping … memory, you may have to provide extra help with eating and getting enough nutrition. If the person has trouble … help with eating. Meals can be a great way to spend time together. Eat with each other if you can. You may want to play …
Health topics
… Image Feeding your baby Information to ensure your baby is getting the nutrition they need. Image Breastfeeding and …
Health topics
… hope and a positive attitude and you believe that you'll get better, your brain is likely to produce chemicals that … heal. But this doesn't mean you should blame yourself for getting sick or feeling down about a health problem. Some … thoughts and state of mind are resources you can use to get better. How does stress affect you? How you handle …
Health topics
… balm or cream that has sun SPF to protect your lips from getting sunburned. Wear sunglasses that block UV rays. Do … feels scaly, bleeds, or develops a crust. The patch may get bigger over a period of months and form a sore. Any skin … a broad-spectrum sunscreen, and wear protective clothing. Get skin examinations as advised by your doctor, and check …
Health topics
… same as the breast that was removed. But over time, you may get some feeling in your new breast. Types of tissue flap … the surgeon doesn't cut through the belly muscles to get the artery used for the new breast. Like DIEP, it … in the hospital. These can help keep your shoulder from getting stiff. Most people have soreness, redness, and …
Health topics
… Canada's Food Guide and focus on eating a variety of vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods, and protein foods. … is unlikely to be affected. Just be sure your doctor knows. Get help with nausea and vomiting, if needed. How much … to eat about 450 extra calories a day. footnote 3 You can get about 340 calories in a peanut butter sandwich. Having a …
Health topics
… feel heat on your affected side, you may be more likely to get burns. Shoulder problems. If you have poor muscle tone … don't wear clothes with long sleeves or ruffles that could get caught in an appliance. Take steps to prevent a frozen … feel heat on your affected side, you may be more likely to get burns. Shoulder problems. If you have poor muscle tone …
Health topics
… after sitting for a long time. If you have a desk job, get up and walk around for a minute every hour to let your … 45 minutes during long car trips. During a long plane trip, get up and walk up and down the aisle every 30 to 45 … after sitting for a long time. If you have a desk job, get up and walk around for a minute every hour to let your …