2728 results found
Health topics
… the pupil. These eyedrops increase the amount of light getting into the eye. The drops may also help prevent vision … the pupil. These eyedrops increase the amount of light getting into the eye. The drops may also help prevent vision …
Health topics
… if the pressure in your chest prevents the lungs from getting enough oxygen into the blood. What causes it? A … if the pressure in your chest prevents the lungs from getting enough oxygen into the blood. What causes it? A …
Health topics
… When pills are not taken exactly as directed , such as forgetting to take them sometimes, 9 or more women out of 100 … You may have spotting between periods. You may also stop getting a period. Some women see having no period as an … When pills are not taken exactly as directed , such as forgetting to take them sometimes, 9 or more women out of 100 …
Health topics
… that could help you feel better or keep your condition from getting worse. Some natural health products may be safe when … that could help you feel better or keep your condition from getting worse. Some natural health products may be safe when …
Health topics
… history and will do a physical examination. You may also get: Lab tests, including a complete blood count, to check … system fight cancer. It may be given in several ways. Targeted therapy. These medicines attack only cancer cells, not … history and will do a physical examination. You may also get: Lab tests, including a complete blood count, to check …
Health topics
… people feel sad, angry or frustrated Share quiet times together by reading, telling stories, or cuddling Give lots of … Allow your toddler to do things by himself, such as getting dressed and helping with chores Read books that show …
Health topics
… to breastfeed Have fun with your toddler. Laughing together builds good feelings Talk about your toddler's … ways to deal with feelings: "When you feel angry, come and get a grown up for help" Sing simple songs about emotions, …
Health topics
… . Learn together Spend time cuddling your baby skin-to-skin. This … for successful breastfeeding. Make it a priority to get enough rest and sleep, drink plenty of fluids and eat …
Health topics
… if your employer or other organization has asked you to get medical clearance for physical activity. Completing the …
Health topics
… or heartburn. Also, it may take longer for the nicotine to get into your bloodstream. Gradually cut back on how much … or heartburn. Also, it may take longer for the nicotine to get into your bloodstream. Gradually cut back on how much …