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2725 results found
Health topics
… Falls: Exercises for Strength and Balance On this page: Get started Health Tools Get started As people age, they lose muscle strength, which … is too hard, start by using a pillow on the chair until you get stronger. Exercises for improving your balance These …
Health topics
… to take it. Aspirin can cause serious bleeding. Be sure you get instructions about how to take aspirin safely. How can … the clumping of platelets. Platelets are cells that clump together and help to form blood clots. Aspirin keeps platelets from clumping together, thus helping to prevent or reduce blood clots. Most …
Health topics
… can pay your bills and handle unexpected expenses. It also gets you on track to reach any goals you have for the future. Here's how to get started. Learn how you spend money. Track your finances … classes. They can help you learn how to create a budget, save for the future, and invest your money. Libraries …
Health topics
… be as hard as you think. Here are some ideas that can help. Get help. If your diet guidelines are confusing or hard to … you might focus on reducing saturated fat for your heart. Get comfortable with each change before you add a new one. … eating. Nearly everyone needs to: Eat a variety of foods. Get plenty of fruits and vegetables. Choose whole grains. …
Health topics
… cirrhosis , liver cancer, or liver failure. Some people who get the infection have it for a short time (acute) and then get better. But most people who have it go on to develop a … or casual contact like hugging. Prevention There is no vaccine to prevent the disease. Anyone who has hepatitis C …
Health topics
… for people who have illnesses that do not go away and often get worse over time and for people who are in the last … care actively involves you and your loved ones. Together you will work with health care providers in your … to start them. Many urban areas have programs that work together to give care, services, and support everywhere in a …
Health topics
… Disease Transmission from Humans, Animals, and Insects Get Organized Hope for the Best, and Prepare for the Worst … and your family during a community emergency. See the "Get Organized" section of this topic. Always refer to local … When these substances are released in large quantities or get out of our control, they can become immediate public …
Health topics
… talk with your doctor about your concerns. How do you get the best results from a pacemaker? Here are a few things … have any symptoms such as fainting. But right after you get a pacemaker, your doctor may ask you to not drive for … who have a pacemaker can have an active sex life. After you get the device placed, you'll let your chest heal for a …
Health topics
… to lower their risk. You and your doctor can work together to decide what is best for you. … to lower their risk. You and your doctor can work together to decide what is best for you. …
Health topics
… that people in close contact with an infected person get the hepatitis B vaccine. Do not donate blood or blood products, organs, … deliver your baby about your illness. Be sure your baby gets medicine to prevent infection. This should start right …