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Health topics
… syndrome is an emergency. It happens when the heart is not getting enough blood. The coronary arteries supply … these arteries are narrowed or blocked, the heart does not get enough oxygen. This can cause unstable angina or a heart … surgery to improve blood flow to your heart. When you get out of the hospital, you will keep taking medicines that …
Health topics
Health topics
… and strength, and create balance in the body). When you're deciding on a DVD or video, ask yourself these questions: Is …
Health topics
… "There is a mind-set that this is a diet. And when I get to my goal weight, then I don't have to do the diet … family member, or co-worker who has the same goals. "Get yourself a partner, somebody who will help you stay … and it's not something that I'm going to stop when the diet gets over." Dawn's story reflects her experiences as told in …
Health topics
… you miss a feeding. However, keep in mind that babies who get several bottles a day on a regular basis may start to … Sometimes people turn pump pressure up high to try to get more milk. Pumping at a high pressure can cause pain and … washed and will not work if water is in it. If the tubing gets wet inside, try using a hair dryer to dry it. If …
Health topics
… hereditary or primary hemochromatosis. But people sometimes get it from having a lot of blood transfusions , certain … likely than women to have too much iron built up. Women get rid of extra iron through blood from their menstrual … chelating agents). This is medicine that helps your body get rid of excess iron. It might be used in some people who …
Health topics
… The batteries may last about 10 years. If the battery gets low, you will need to decide whether to have another … With It Why It Is Done Your doctor might recommend that you get a pacemaker if: You have a problem with your heart … do them at all. Learn more Heart Rate Problems: Should I Get a Pacemaker? How Well It Works Pacemakers stimulate the …