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2725 results found
Health topics
… are comfortable, usually in about a week. But you can still get your partner pregnant until your sperm count is zero. … In rare cases, the vas deferens growing back together (recanalization) so the man becomes fertile again. A … are comfortable, usually in about a week. But you can still get your partner pregnant until your sperm count is zero. …
Health topics
… on finding the genes that may make a person more likely to get ADHD. Although many parents believe that foods with … to act without thinking. ADHD may make it harder to focus, get organized, and finish tasks. How is it diagnosed? A … in managing a health condition. ADHD: Helping Your Child Get the Most From School ADHD: Helping Your Child Get Things …
Health topics
… Overview Supportive Care Self-Care Complementary Treatments Getting Support What is … when you have problems, new symptoms, or symptoms that get worse. Examinations and Tests Your doctor will ask you … or spinal cord. Chemotherapy with stem cell transplant. Targeted therapy. This is used to treat people with ALL who …
Health topics
… spermicide, or another female barrier method. How do you get male condoms? Condoms don't require a prescription or a … spermicide, or another female barrier method. How do you get male condoms? Condoms don't require a prescription or a …
Health topics
… surgery. The doctor may use wire to put your sternum back together. Stitches or staples will be used to close the … or upper arm muscles. At first you may notice that you get tired quickly. You may need to rest often. It may take 1 … bladder and measure urine output. IV tubes in your arms to get fluids, nutrition, and medicine. A thin tube in a vein …
Health topics
… may be all that's needed to prevent the problem from getting worse and help relieve symptoms. Mild symptoms … of UTIs are: Bladder infections . They occur when bacteria get into the bladder by travelling up the urethra. Kidney infections . They usually occur when bacteria get into a kidney by travelling from the bladder up the …
Health topics
… Overview Supportive Care Self-Care Complementary Treatments Getting Support What is … of abnormal cells in the body. These extra cells grow together and form masses, called tumours. In bladder cancer, … your medical history and do a physical examination. You may get a urine test. A cystoscopy may be done to see inside …
Health topics
… Shock . This can occur if the circulatory system can't get enough blood to the vital organs. Coughing, wheezing, … more aggressive than common honeybees. They often attack together in great numbers. Reaction to bee stings can range … last shot was. You have not received 3 doses of the tetanus vaccine series. For a clean wound , you may need a shot if: …
Health topics
… be delayed for months or years. Many people with cataracts get along very well with the help of eyeglasses, contact … be delayed for months or years. Many people with cataracts get along very well with the help of eyeglasses, contact … that need to be removed. It also includes people who get cataracts after an eye injury or as a result of eye …
Health topics
… If you think the wound may need stitches, it's best to get them within 8 hours of the injury. Yes Bleeding wound No … may not apply to you. But asking it of everyone helps us to get people the help they need. Yes Injury may have been … last shot was. You have not received 3 doses of the tetanus vaccine series. For a clean wound , you may need a shot if: …