2725 results found
Health topics
… for a possible pregnancy. Menarche also means that you can get pregnant if sperm fertilizes an egg through sex. … few hours or more. Your breasts may be tender, and you may get acne. When you start your period, you'll notice a spot … of blood from your vagina is usually light at first and may get heavier for a few days before tapering off. The blood …
Health topics
… or hinders action. There are many barriers that can get in the way of getting and staying physically active. Assess your readiness … learn about common barriers to physical activity and get tips for being active in certain circumstances. Stages …
Health topics
… your immunizations are up-to-date and whether you're getting enough folic acid. The safety of any prescription … true if you don't keep your blood sugar in your target range during early pregnancy. High blood sugar while you … to your doctor if you have diabetes and are planning to get pregnant. You may need to fine-tune your diabetes care …
Health topics
… may have a higher-than-normal risk of falling. You might get medicines that make you dizzy and more likely to fall. You may get weak and confused because of illness, surgery, or treatments, and you may have a hard time getting out of bed. And things like crutches, bandages, or …
Health topics
… fever? Valley fever is a disease caused by a fungus that gets into your body through your lungs. It can make you feel … a cold or influenza (flu) and may cause a rash. Most people get better without treatment. But if your body's natural … and desert rheumatism. What causes it? You can get valley fever if you breathe in the fungus ( Coccidioides …
Health topics
… Overview These are medicines that you get as a shot instead of as a pill. Doctors use them to … Why they're given Shots may be a choice if you often forget to take pills or if you get certain side effects from pills. Or you may try shots …
Health topics
… a microscope to see them. What causes them? Most people get infected by accidentally swallowing pinworm eggs. Anyone can get pinworms, but they are most common in school-aged … scratches, the eggs can cling to the child's fingers and get stuck under the fingernails. The eggs then stick to …
Health topics
… But the risk of this happening is small. The chance of getting cancer from radiation exposure varies from person to … had many CT scans starting at a young age is more likely to get cancer later in life than someone who hasn't had any or … more radiation than other X-ray tests. The risk of an adult getting cancer from a CT scan is less than 1 in 1,000. The …
Health topics
… What To Think About Treatment Overview When you get immunotherapy in the form of allergy shots, your … to ( allergens ) under your skin. This helps your body "get used to" the allergen, which can result in fewer or less … a very small amount of the allergen(s). At first, you get the shot once or twice a week. You gradually receive …
Health topics
… This is true for everyday care and for when your symptoms get worse. When your symptoms suddenly get much worse, it's called a COPD exacerbation, or a … friends, and caregivers know what to do when your symptoms get worse. If you can't care for yourself in an emergency, …